the process makers

Why are these things necessary for writers?

Development communication path is not an easy peasy, lemon squeezy journey. It takes a lot of courage, patience, and commitment. As media writers, it is necessary to have the right things for writing different stories of hope for the people.

Cellular phone or smartphone is a versatile gadget. It is very useful for data gathering that includes recording, note-taking, and browsing news updates. We can also use this little buddy in mobile journalism and other writing activities. Smartphones are mainly used for communication purposes.
The digital camera is probably the most pricy of them all as it is necessary for videography and photography at its best quality. A digital camera is a must-have for documentation purposes and is essential for taking photos and recording videos. It can also add great value to our news story.
A laptop is useful in writing several-page news content and other paper-related works, editing videos, and graphic designing. We can also use this to check emails from our empathetic professors, organizations, and other messages from people around the world.
A notebook and a pen are my best friends. These two items keep writing flowing smoothly while helping us to be present at the moment. We should always have our notebook and pen in hand for these help in keeping our thoughts organized, making to-do-list, or random jot down of important information.
File storage devices (SD Card, Thumb drive, Flashdrive, External hard drive) – a place where we can store our raw files, outputs, or projects. It is always important to have backup storage devices just in case unwanted circumstance happens like the loss of some data on the personal computer or laptop.

The writing processes makers presented above will help us to deliver our message to the world. As media writers, we are here to bring light and truth with love and compassion. Among all those given must-have items, commitment must always be present to create enlightenment and difference through our actions, not just words, posts, or amazing content.

We are called to be the braver people in action. 🤍

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