UPCA SSS: Aspiring UP student? Look at this!

Background photo via Pinterest. UP logo via University of the Philippines.

Are you an aspiring UP student like me before? Consider reading this and have a glimpse on how I became the UP student that I am now. Looking back on my journey, the University of the Philippines College Admission is one of the toughest decision and situation I faced. Discouraged? Doubting? Hesitant? Anxious? The UPCA SSS: Set, Survive, and Strength might help you!

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It was never easy to begin something especially if you don’t know where to start. You will feel lost, you will not know what to do, what to expect, what to prioritize… but one thing is for sure, you want to make your dreams come true.

  • Goal – if you are having a second thought whether to pursue UP or not… as early as the months before the Application, think of it already. You are never ready for anything. Weigh your priorities, your dreams, your current status, and the what ifs. Always keep in mind the “Whys” on being an aspiring UP student. Believe me, your goals? Aims? Inspiration? Motivation? These are crucial in the process of pursuing UP, so always keep that in your heart and mind.
  • Perseverance – in my case, I do not have any idea yet if the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) will be held or not. However, I reviewed for the exam. I bought reviewers— even created my own reviewers because I am not that confident on my knowledge… considering that I really have a hard time on learning and answering Mathematics related questions. It will always be hard, you just got to choose where you want to dedicate your hard work.
  • Patience – you will need a huge amount of patience as early as the admission process. The crashing sites? The input errors? The missing requirements? You name it! We all know that many students are aiming UP for college and maybe you are one of them? You want UP? Work for it several times more than you can. Have patience because you are just about to approach the gate.
  • Comply – if you passed through the application process? The preparation is just starting. You need to prepare yourself to whatever result there could be. As of this moment in my college admissions, I let things be. I think that if it is for me, it will be mine as long as I did my part and best. Again, just because you complied or applied does not mean that you will get it right away. Remember, you may pass and fail… prepare for the result.


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Beginning and ending, First and Last… those were too romanticized. These were as crucial as the process and journey we go through.

  • Acceptance – I was not able to get a spot for my first choice of course in my first campus choice. It was not easy to accept, of course. I cried a lot. I feel like I am a failure. I thought that I will not be able to apply for college in academic year 2021 – 2022. After that numerous breakdown and self-doubt, I realize that UP is not the only choice I have. I accepted the result and I stand again.
  • Opportunities – Upon the lesson I learned in the UPCA, I applied for other state Universities and got interviewed. With more passion and strength, I applied for my dream course that time… Psychology. Luckily, I got enlisted for the two Universities I enrolled and got my first choice of course. Here, I fully let go of the hopes I got in UP and is about to submit my requirement but an announcement came out.
  • Decision – Just when I thought that UP is not for me, a friend of mine approached me and asked me if I was interested to “recon” for a spot in UP. At first, I was hesitant because I am already settled with Psychology as my college course, considering that there is no BS Psych at UPLB. What a coincidence at that specific day when the University I applied at emailed me that I got a slot and just needed to pass my requirement when the schedule for interview in “recon” has arrived as well.


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It took so much strength to continue after that release of result. It took a lot of sacrifice for us to achieve something…

  • Bravery – It took me so much sleepless nights thinking whether to submit my requirement to the University I applied or risk one year or semester for a spot in BS Devcom program. I end up not submitting my requirements and wait for the result of “recon”. I risk it for the dream of my parents to have a UP student child.
  • Fate – I think it is not a luck that I was able to get a slot in BS Development Communication. Despite the hardships on the sudden adjustments and a bit of sadness since I was not able to take my dream course, I realize at that exact same situation that I am somehow for Devcom. From creating mini scripts since elementary for fun or classroom roleplays, dreaming of becoming a director, once upon aiming on taking Mass communication, and joining Journalism to pursue writing. It all make sense why Devcom.
  • Courage – Now that I am here at one of the most prestigious University in the country, I will stand against all odds to prove that I deserve the place I got. It was indeed not easy but that does not mean that you can’t. May the experiences and journey I have shared here serve as an inspiration for those aspiring UP students. It might look vague at first but it will someday make sense.
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