Are you a worried BS Development Communication incoming freshie, a current freshie, or an upper student that still feel lost on what to have as a Devcom student? Worry no more because here is the Top 5 must have items/tools for you!

Asking the Top 5 of the Devcom uppers Bjanca Ysabelle Mendiola and John Gherald Navera, upon tallying their combined Top items/tools, it turns out that Laptop, Smartphone, Noting materials (pen and paper), Adobe Software, and DSLR camera are the Top 5 you may include in your Devcom Go-Bag.


Laptop has been critical on studying of not just Devcom students. Having these will help you multitask as it could open multiple tabs. It could also have crucial tools such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Software, etc. that can be used in producing outputs.  As Bjanca Mendiola said, “Having a Laptop has been really helpful to me as a Devcom student because it has pretty much everything I need.”


There were times that you can’t have your Laptop with you and Smartphone is a huge help in doing requirements as you can bring it anywhere without any hassle. Having the updates and new features, a tool as small as phones could be used in recording interviews, taking photos, you name it.

Noting Materials

Top 5 must have: Noting materials

Our body needs a break from gadgets and technology, here is why we still need to have our notes and noting materials still. Noting materials such as pen and notepad could help you synthesize your ideas and insights without having it all in your mind. In terms of doing fieldworks, here is what an upper, Bjanca Mendiola’s insight on having a notepad, “It is also helpful to bring an actual notepad on fieldworks, especially if you can’t use phone in those places.”

Adobe Software

Top 5 must have: Adobe Software

As a Devcom student, Adobe software such as InDesign, Premiere, Photoshop, Lightroom, and many more will make your production courses more convenient as it has many features where you can edit and produce videos and photos for your requirements.

DSLR Camera

Top 5 must have: DSLR Camera

Phones have cameras too but having DSLR camera is helpful especially if you want and need high quality photos and videos. But of course, not everyone has the capacity to own a DSLR camera, according to Bjanca Mendiola, there were CDC staffs who lend their cameras for those who needs it.

Additional: Extra screen

Top 5 must have additional: Extra screen

Aside from the Top 5, John Gherald Navera also include the Extrascreen as a must have for students because it will be convenient and advantageous when you have something to edit or you are sharing your screen during presentation.  


The mentioned tools/equipments/items/materials are just suggestions of Devcom uppers. It is still up to you whether to put it in your Devcom Go-bag or not. You can have it if you think it will be helpful for you but it is not necessary to have it all because at the end of the day:

It is your strategy that will bring you success.

Maryrose Alingasa
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