First Sem Done✓

This whole semester is bomb, a lot happened and in week three I mostly explained how I am still adapting to the new environment with an online set-up. Baby steps are important, every step takes you somewhere farther from your starting place, but looking back I can say I have come so far. Being a freshman is not easy especially in the current set-up, there are a lot of hindrances that blocks my way, it is hard to stay focus and stay motivated, I experienced a lot of mental breakdowns that I never knew I would experience but if I look at the bigger picture, I have observe how these things honed me to be a stronger person. 

I got to harness some skills, I became much more resourceful and I started to love reading about stuff. For some, I may not provide a significant and a lot of achievements in the past months, but I believe that I did a lot and exerted a lot of effort to learn. These little improvements are what accounts, as long as I keep taking a step forward no matter how small, it will take me somewhere.

I learned that it is not a race, that you have your own pace just find where you are comfortable. Do not pressure yourself and burden yourself with too much overthinking, it will not help. I am still working on myself and my skills as a Devcom student, that is why I am also preparing myself for the upcoming battles that I must face.

Ready for the Next

In my Week 03 entry, I rated myself an average of 4 for my qualities, and I also got an average of 4 for my skills, with 1 being the highest. I was clueless about Development Communication during the first few days and weeks of being a student of the course, but as time passed, the more I learned how to write effectively, and the more I learned the importance of the said course for the country and for the people.

The new average that I got this semester for my qualities is 3, and an average of 3 for my skills. This semester has taught me the basics of being a development communicator, from writing to editing different forms of scripts and articles. With my other DevCom subjects, I also learned more about the condition and the underdevelopment issues that the country has, and why these issues are still happening. Though my professors did teach me the proper ways to write, I feel like I needed to be taught more as I am not a fast learner in some aspects, that is why some of the rates in the qualities and skills are the same—because I need more time and education to improve. I feel like I would rate myself an average of 3 for both my qualities and skills for a while. I don’t find this a problem because I know that it will all be worth it when I graduate.

This semester has created challenges for me that I did my best to overcome. Though it was not easy, I found myself improving by the smallest things in each assessment given to me. I started to learn how to properly organize my thoughts, prioritize tasks, divide time for school work and family, and learned how to be a student with better time management compared to before. It was difficult to adjust in the beginning but with the support that I’ve received from my friends and family, I was able to lift myself during stressful times. Here’s to more challenges and training in the next semester as a student of Development Communication.

Swan Song

Week 16: The Semester in Review – In their Week 03 entry, our media writers did a self-assessment on the qualities and skills of media writers. Now that we’re at the end of the semester, our student media writers take a look back at their old ratings and share their updated self-ratings on the qualities and skills of a media writer for their Week 15 entry. Let’s see what things have changed –and what lessons they learned in their first semester as UPLB BS Development Communication students.

When I look back to the ratings that I did at the start of the semester, I realized that I have really improved along the way in being a media writer. First of all, I would say that the thing that I am very proud to say that I improved on the most is my CONFIDENCE in my own writing. I used to doubt myself every single day, and now, I just do it… less frequently at least.

As I labeled my Week 3 blog as a SWITCHBLADE, I would be labeling this as SWAN SONG. The last hurrah of my time as a student of DevCom 11 U1-1L. In line with this, I would also be showing a before and after comparison of the ratings, I gave to my qualities as a media writer.

I rated myself according to how much I think I improved from when I was going into this course, and I found that I have improved fairly well.

I think the thing that didn’t improve at all was my love for reading. Maybe it was just because I was overwhelmed with the amount of reading that I had to do overall for all of my subjects, but I found myself less and less interested in reading. It came to a point that I had to force myself to read, and it was so severe that even the fiction books that I used to love reading were affected.

However, I think that with a couple of rest, I would be back to the best state possible and relearn my love for reading. Now that we are on a break, I am sure that I would go back to reading once again. Manifesting it~

Also, I never put myself at the highest score which is 5, because I know that I can’t possibly give myself a score like that since I am always subject to improvement.

All in all, DevCom was indeed a very challenging and stressful work that I am also glad I faced because it really did improve me so much as a writer. It opened my eyes to the issues that I would’ve otherwise ignored, and it made me have this drive to use my skills into helping others.

Thank you and I hope to encounter more learnings soon. Toodles~

Media Writer Self ~ Version II

Over the 16 Weeks as a DEVC11 student, I gained a lot from my professors and experiences. For a semester, I was engaged in the central concepts of development communication, which trained and sharpened me as a development communicator-in-training. It provides me with the necessary qualities and skill set to be a successful media writer.

I went into the training with nothing, full of fears and doubts. I wasn’t sure whether I could be a dedicated media writer back then. I considered quitting because of the difficulties I had to overcome to become the writer I am today. Indeed, keeping track of one’s progress is a tool for identifying room for improvement.

Let me rate myself, again!

I was introduced to the reality of the field during the lecture assessments and laboratory activities. I learned that I needed to be more curious about everything since it is the foundation of creativity and imagination. When it comes to data, research, publications, and news, I need to be resourceful. In data collection, being quick-witted is critical. And, with so much material and information available, I need to read a lot more because it’s essential to emphasize the main points and offer correct and dependable data. I need to make sure that each piece of information I put in or write makes a substantial addition to the overall picture.

Although I am still not excellent enough, I have developed my qualities and skills as a media writer. My media writer self merged due to the various activities we engaged in. I’m aware that I still have a lot of work to improve my capabilities as a development communicator and media writer. I’m hoping that by having these characteristics and talents, I’ll be able to put them to good use and live them out as I go on my DevCom adventure.

thank you, onto the next

An end of an era……

An end of a sem means an end of an era, back when I was young, I thought that endings are meant to be sad or to slap you to the reality that something is already over. As a took the journey of being a freshman in UPLB, I brought the learnings that I got from my Secondary Education years hoping that I can use them to this new chapter in my life that I completely have no idea of what will be happenings and I think as this semester ends, I do not consider this phase of my life as a sad one because new learnings were given to me, I developed during the process, my wrong interpretations were turned into new learnings and the things that I do not know that I should possess as a media writer in practice became a habit to me, that always makes me remember what are the things that I should consider to be a better development writer in practice that could serve the people with the uses of my ballpen, laptop, and mind and would impact the community to be better people and would open their eyes in issues that needs to be addressed immediately. Honestly, the past months were hard because I thought that what I know is already enough for me to survive but I thought wrong, the situations that I am in now have made me regret not exerting efforts more, I have a lot of what-ifs and should have been but I know I cannot turn back the time anymore but I just have to keep on moving forward and DEVC 11 became my salvation in correcting my mistakes and wrong pieces of knowledge, it made me learn how to properly write again articles that would benefit every one of us, it thought me that it is okay to make mistakes and be a beginner again because that is where we should learn, we have a lot of things that we can improve on, it is okay to open yourselves and be honest with what you truly feel and express that you do not know each such things and learn from them afterward.  

 When I graded myself a 3 back then, I think I am now 4, one step closer to being a 5. Why not the perfect score even after the 4 months? Because I know that  BS Development Communication is not a place to be perfect writers, it is a place for us to seek more education, we are not here to be the perfect writers but we must be the writers the world needs. I think that the 4 months is not enough for me to learn everything, it is not enough for me to know all of the devcom lessons and help me be eligible to be a media writer but with these months, I know I learned a lot, I know new things that I could remember in the next years to come, it may not be an easy ride but I know that it has not been always easy, it would not take us to the easy route of life but rather it is okay to admit your mistakes now than regret for not being honest tomorrow.

DevCom 11 have made me say to myself that I should not be afraid to tell my truths and be vulnerable to where I don’t know or I do not have an idea about, it made me more eager to be more educated to them, something that I have not yet done before. I am ready for what the next months and years will bring to my life. Until then, I would always be a 4, I can’t wait to see more progress in myself in the future. 

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