Handa ka na ba?

Ang bawat assessments at activities na inilalapag ay napakahalaga sapagkat ang mga ito ang pinakapagkukunan ng iyong mga marka sa subjects lalo na ngayong tayo’y nasa online set up.

Kaya’t simulan nang magbanat-banat dahil narito ang ilan sa aking mga natutunan at napagtanto na dapat ay aking ginawa para sa aking assessments at activities.

Una, makinig at magbasa. Makinig mabuti sa lessons na itinuturo ng inyong professor at basahin ang mga ibinigay na modules o learning materials. Unawaing maigi ang mga ito upang mayroon kang maisagot sa iyong mga gawain.

Pangalawa, magsulat. Laging mag-take notes sa lectures at consultations dahil maaaring may mali o may mabago sa instructions para sa assessments at activities.

Pangatlo, manaliksik. Maghanap ng references sapagkat ito’y kinakailangan sa activities at bahagi ng criteria. Makatutulong din ito upang mas maunawaan ang mga lesson.

Pang-apat, magbahagi. Ito ang madalas kong nakakaligtaan sa aking pagbibigay ng sagot sa assessments. Dapat ay lagi mong ihanda ang iyong mga karanasan. Sa pagsasagawa ng assessments, makatutulong sa iyong pagbuo ng sagot ang pagbabahagi ng iyong mga karanasan patungkol sa aralin na tinalakay.

Panglima, maging maagap. Umpisahan agad ang mga gawain upang hindi mo ito pagsisihan. Hangga’t maaari ay pilitin ang sarili na huwag mag-procrastinate at huwag pasanay sa cramming upang hindi matambakan at magkaroon ng maayos na gawa.

Handa ka na ba? Aba’y dapat lang.

Nawa’y makatulong ang tips na ito sa iyo at sa aking sarili sa hinaharap upang kahit papaano’y maging madali ang ating mga gawain.

Ready? Get set. Go.

Aye! Aye! Captain!

As we go deep on finally formulating our devcom story, starting our exercises and doing our respective activities, we should also learn how to stay in fit while doing these activities. We have different ways and strategies on ow we accomplish things and I will share some of what I have.

Recall the topic.

Before starting any of your exercises and activities, always try to find a recap of what you have learned or tackled before. Find the worksheet where you are inserting all the things you need for your exercise. This will serve as your refresher as you start your day in writing the numerous activities and this will help you to be on track as you begin accomplishing your requirements.

Fix your schedule.

This tip will be helpful in making sure that you will accomplish something on a period of time. Planning how many hours will be allotted for a single activity is helpful to exert effort and to remove the disturbance and possible destroyer of attention span. This will conclude to writer’s block or being out of words that is hard to recover again. If we will not align our schedule, we will need up on doing a single task on a long period of time that it eats all the time that can finish numerous number of tasks which is bad for us, who have more tasks to do.

Relax yourself.

This time, you need to relax your mind as you refresh the knowledge you have from the previous discussion or meeting. This will help you in having an open mind and calm tone while doing your respective activities. Being relax is a key to have a smooth pass on the activities you wish to do. This is a way for you to meditate and think of how will you start, which one to finish first and such. It can be listening to music, or just being quite, closing your eyes, depending on your preference.

Be Ready.

When I mean “READY”, it means you need to be ready. Ready everything that you need and place everything beside you so that you have an easier access to all of those items. It can be your phone, notepad, the different information you need, foods, drinks, and such that will unable you to be disturbed as you officially start doing your devcom exercises.

Check your interest.

It is hard to do an exercise if w are not willing to do it. Checking our interest means that we are assessing ourselves i we are fit to do the exercises. Do we have the urge to finish it today? Are we having the eagerness to write something? Self-assessment can be a help for yourself so that you will not produce a paper that is full of mess that will be submitted and given back with a lot of errors and revisions to do. It will hit your mental health and cause you to breakdown. We don’t want that to happen.

Those are the five tips a development communication student should remember whenever they are to write their devcom exercise and starting their devcom activities. They can use all, or use one at a time. These tips have helped me and I’m sharing the keys I do to accomplish tasks at a single period of time.

From one to another

For the past months, we’ve done a lot of learning assessments, activities, and exercises for our DevCom courses, especially for DEVC 11. We’ve been warned by the upperclassmen, and it’s true what they’ve said. Indeed, it’s overwhelming, exhausting, and tiring. Backlogs and sleepless nights are unavoidable unless you have superpowers. We are just in the half of the first semester, but it feels like a year.

Even though it’s a draining first half, these are the things that made me keep up and prepared for DevCom activities and exercises:

Always practice. 

Practicing your writing skills is the right thing to do. This could help you to become a better writer and know yourself as a media writer. You can be knowledgeable on what skill you need to practice more, and on what type of writing are most comfortable with. Writing was never easy, and it’s okay to not be perfect. Remember that practice makes perfect. 

Take notes from lectures. 

Even though class resources are enough to begin writing your lesson assessments and exercises, never settle for less. Attend online lectures. In some instances, you can learn more from attending online lectures because profs may mention some key and crucial info that can help you in doing your activities and exercises. You will have a better understanding because they will mention their past experiences in writing that will inspire you to do better. Remember that never settle for less. 

Revisions are a must. 

Never ever submit your drafts. Always check and spot for errors. Our profs always mention that they can determine if our works are a result of procrastination or not. It’s a hard thing to do as it takes time, but they are worth it, especially when you received a high grade and a good note from your professor. 

Organize your thoughts. 

Before you write, your mind must be clear and ready to work. Don’t start writing if you are not ready or else, your output will pay the price. Focus on what you are doing. In my case, I build plans or outlines for what I will do. It helps me to absorb the necessary information needed and achieve my goals. You should always think before you write.

Know your purpose.

Knowing your purpose helps you determine your strategy, specifically, on how you will write as a media writer. It will highlight and focus your message, making it clear to the readers why is it important to them. Choosing the right tone for your work will be also achieved if you know what your purpose is. Knowing thy purpose leads to an effective message.

If you are an aspiring media writer, it’s a good thing to consider and pay attention to these things, for you to be a prepared and effective media writer. Yet, it always depends on you on how you will become one. Even though it’s exhausting and tiring, it’ll pay off once you finish. You can treasure the knowledge that you earned and may use it for your future career. 


“To reach any significant goal, you must leave your comfort zone”

Hyrum W. Smith

DevCom activities and exercises are no easy tasks. It made me feel a lot of emotions, three of those are fear, confusion, and agitation. I knew the reason why most of my emotions toward the activity are negative and it’s because those exercises are beyond my comfort zone.

However, a rush of adrenaline and the reality that I have to accomplish the activity made me act upon myself which allows me to experience and reach a certain level of growth within me.

Continue reading “Reach”

Ito ang lifehack para sa’yo!!

It is so unfortunate for me to hate writing for DevCom is mostly about that. It’s been eight weeks, yet I cannot say that I already got the hang of it. Nevertheless, after giving a lot of thought about it, I’ve realized the things that I should have done, therefore this week’s Buhay DevCom Lifehack Series: Five things to remember in preparing for Devcom activities.

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Schedule your day

Since you will be dealing with tons of paper works, you need to budget your time accordingly. The thing with planning is that you are actually tricking and motivating your brain to work even with those you hate to do; consequently, you will be more focused and productive for the day. With regards to this, it is ideal to plan your day the night before. By doing so, you’ll have fewer decisions to make the next morning and an impulse to work with your acads right away.

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Do it first thing in the morning

If you want to build a pattern of behavior you have to do it right after you wake up. Working early in the morning gets you to become productive and that will carry your momentum throughout the day. As people say, “An early bird catches the worm.” So, I suggest sleeping early to wake up even earlier. This will help you maximize your time dealing with your DevCom activities.

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Take note of the criteria

When writing for your DevCom activities, always check the given criteria. This is to align your content on what is asked, and of course, to get a better score. Furthermore, this will help you have a clear and complete output without overdoing or underdoing the activity.

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Be concise

When writing for your DevCom activities, the goal is to keep it short and understandable. You may start by writing your main point and then back it up with supporting ideas. This way, you’ll save space and avoid deadwood in your paper.

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If you think your output is good enough to go in just one sitting, then you may want to reconsider. The thing is there will always be an error in your paper, so the need for revision. Reading your work out loud will help you spot some errors and assess the paper’s readability. To improve it further, take a small break to reset your mind so that once you check your paper the next time, you’ll have a new perspective on it.

I am sure that there is no easy way out in college, so build a habit that is healthy for you and for your acads. It is a dream to have zero backlogs, but always remember to take care of yourself. Rest if needed. You are halfway to surviving the semester, so get your messes up and ace your DevCom activities.

To Whom It May Concern S01E03: We are not yet the best we think we are

Take your time in the shower. Half of the best and unique ideas, I think, ay nacoconceptualized ko while taking a bath.

For the third episode of “To Whom It May Concern”, here are my five tips about the activities and exercises in our DEVC11 Lecture and Laboratory class.

“To Whom It May Concern” is a series created and conceptualized by yours truly.

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Cracking the code

At times, we get overwhelmed. It seeps into our being and often leaves us feeling confused and aimless. I felt that, too. I was looking forward to doing great things but got lost somewhere along the way. I had no clue where to start once I came back up. Eventually, I did things my way. Here are 5 things that helped me pick up where I left off in my DevCom activities:

Prepare a backup plan.
I consider myself an organized person thriving in planned-out systems but I scarcely lay out a full-on backup plan in case Plan A doesn’t work out. After a while, I have found that it would be best to just create a safety net in case things don’t work out the way we intended it to be. It takes time and effort to prepare a backup plan, but it would take way more to improvise during the last minute.

Accomplish small things whenever you can.
Distributing workload and spanning them out across days and weeks benefits in easing your schedule. Rather than pulling out all-nighters or cramming things, it is better to do small tasks now and then. Unknowingly you get yourself from point A to point B by not doing as much hard labor. It tricks your mind to do small things rather than seeing it as one big project.

Look into recent news stories in your community.
Having a constant stream of information in your community and knowing where you could access them is one of the top things in being a development communication student. Aside from knowing what’s happening in your community, it would unconsciously seep into your being, observing which offices are utilizing their platforms well. It is a crucial thing to look into offices now and then to have a broad view of their usage, whether they have specific programs that you want to look into more. With a rapid and fast-moving environment, you might just be surprised by how often pages get updated.

Challenge yourself to do things differently.
If we let ourselves wander beyond what we know we can accomplish, we are preparing ourselves for greatness. We can try to venture out of our typical ways and creatively expand our knowledge and skills. There are things that we are afraid of trying, but if we let it on like this, we might never learn. Instead, try to take small steps in doing things differently.

Ask for help and guidance.
This might be one of the most important and underrated pieces of advice I could ever give. At times, it is hard to admit that we need help. We tend to become self-reliant, but we don’t need to carry everything all by ourselves. If you find yourself struggling or simply have a hard time understanding concepts, don’t be afraid to ask for help and reach out to your peers or mentors for guidance.

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