For the locals

I crammed and I presented. That was the summary of when I first presented the first three topics for my DEVC11 Laboratory class. I forgot that there will be an upcoming presentation that’s why I proposed a topic on what flashes on my brain minutes before the class starts.

As expected, all of my topics were rejected, saying that all of them can be reserved for the upcoming devcom courses in the future. Then I think. I think and think fro the possible topic I can propose.

Then as Ma’am Villar opened a conversation about the local trend and industry in our community, the pageants were the first one to pop out of m mind. Since I cannot do a devcom story about the LGBTQ+ community in our municipality, why not make something that is still connected to them?

I then thought of pageants, the gowns, how they cross-dress, and the different styles and fashion they have. With this, I am giving them still a platform to speak up on their struggles as someone more than just a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

Since before, I’ve been in fight of SOGIE and also in equality for LGBTQ+ community. They are my backbone, the reason why I am comfortable right now and when I choose freedom, they are the one I lean on. More than the emotional aspect of why I chose this topic, I am also on the side of giving an emphasis on the local product our municipality is selling; barong and saya. Also the gowns and men’s wear to be scene in the beautiful depot of Disenyo Pandi.

Official poster for the Hari at Reyna ng Pandi 2019 announcement for the call of audition.

Hari at Reyna ng Pandi is nothing without the fantastic designer and dressmakers of the town where the pioneer of the gowns worn by the contestants came. More than the competition of wit and look, Hari and Reyna ng Pandi is also the contest of the dressmakers in the town on who will prevail for the said year. They take gown making as a beauty contest too where they will also compete with the help of the contestant they are taking caring of.

Everyone is envisioning to have a chance that their story will be posted on the newspaper of UPLB, but few are lucky to be given this opportunity. As I said, I chose this because I want to promote my town’s local product. That Pandi dressmaking will be better, will have more audience, will be popular and be known in a landscape with wider range.

This decision is not only for myself, but for the community I belong to, Pandi and the LGBTQ.

Barangay Beat

As a writer, I strongly incline on writing what I feel is important in my life. It encompasses writing expressively in journals and simply advocating for what I believe is right in essays. It takes time and thought to write a well-thought-out piece, to write intensely and with vigor. If I were to write continuously and passionately, it would only be due to the drive that comes with it.

Even with much thought and ruminating, I still couldn’t choose a singular beat I wanted to focus on. I have never involved myself in writing with many technicalities unless necessitated. Hence, it creates room for curiosity and creativity.

For now, however, I still find myself tracing back to what I love doing: serving my community. I draw a lot of inspiration and energy from what I can do to be of service to my fellow citizens. At times, I contemplate the daily happenings inside the barangay, how things work out. When programs roll out, what ensues? Who was there? What can people do to engage more? These are lingering questions in my mind.

Another thing that I love to do during my free time is to read. I have an exhaustive list of books I want to read every month and even for each one that I finish, there will be two-fold more of what I want to read next. It ties well with my interest in lifelong learning and education, in general.

At the end of the day, I feel that I have a recognition of what I want to do and what brings about my interest. If I were to focus on writing for a specific development beat, it would be a combination of education and civic engagement.

A beat to beat underdevelopment

College of DevCom lives by the phrase, “Unfolding human potential”, which is lifted from Dr. Nora C. Quebral’s definition of Development Communication as a field. 

We at DevCom, use communication through planned social change to help empower communities, especially the marginalized. We share and use what we’ve learned during our stay to serve society. By sharing our expertise and closely working with people, informed choices are being made which can be very helpful to achieve development. 

Since we are in a third-world country, using our skills and knowledge as DevCom practitioners is crucial to help the country attain social change and development. Writing a development-oriented news story is one of them. 

Photo by: Reuters, Greenpeace Philippines, and Eco Warrior Princess

When writing a development-oriented story, we should choose a topic or a beat to focus or specialize on as media writers. We consider many factors in choosing a beat that is development-oriented. The development beat that I chose for my news story is “Trash Traps: A Solution to Ocean Plastic Pollution.” But why did I choose this beat? Can society benefit from writing a news story about it? Why is it a development-oriented beat? Let’s see why it fits to be a development-oriented beat or topic.

Aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Since the agenda of the SDG is to develop, it is a way to consider a beat or topic development-oriented. One of its goals is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development (Goal 14). Thus, the beat that I chose is considered development-oriented. 

Social Development for Sustainable Development | DISD
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals / United Nations

A relevant and significant national or community issue. Issues that are relevant and require immediate action are also a factor for a beat to be development-oriented. Without the solution to the problem, social change cannot be attained. Ocean plastic pollution has been a long-time problem in our country. It’s the cause of the unceasing mismanagement of solid wastes in every household. Therefore, choosing trash traps as a solution to ocean plastic pollution is a good beat to feature in a straight news story. 

Based on and in line with the CDC Values and Guiding Principles. Empowerment, Equity, Entrepreneurship, and Environmentalism are the 4Es of DevCom. In my case, environmentalism is the key CDC value and principle that is aligned to my chosen beat. Through information, advocacy, social action, and community action, managing and sustaining the environment will be achieved. 

A development-oriented beat or topic should help society by giving them achievable solutions to an existing problem that is not seen in the mainstream media for the betterment and social change. Moreover, it intends to voice out and empower the marginalized sector for them to be educated and critically decide for themselves. Thus, making development-oriented articles should not just be informing the people and speaks for itself but it speaks for the people and helping and transforming their lives. 

The problem is tubig

Residents washing their clothes in a public water hand pump station. Photo credits to Selyn Alonzo (2021).

The development beat is the first to consider in writing a development-oriented story. It is a specialized area in which a development communicator anchors his whole storyline. Mine is about the “Innovative Rainwater Harvesting Systems as a Sustainable Solution to the Insufficient Water Supply in the Province of Masbate.” I chose this beat because it is timely and relevant, also because it follows the criteria of a development-oriented topic.

For a beat to be considered development-oriented, it should be:

At least one of the sustainable development goals

One way of looking if a story is development-oriented is if it is aligned to the SDGs. These goals were made for the betterment and sustainable future of the world which is exactly what development is about. I chose to pursue my topic since it covers the goal for clean water and sanitation, as well as for sustainable cities and communities. With such qualities, it is deemed to be a development-oriented story.  

Anchored in the CDC Values and Guiding Principles (4Es)

Your story can be considered development-oriented if it is lined up to the 4Es—empowerment, equity, entrepreneurship, and environmentalism. Mine is empowering, since it provides the community an awareness about S&T projects that could enhance their living. It also promotes equity as it opts to increase people’s access to safe and clean water especially for the marginalized. Also, it advocates entrepreneurship as this suggests innovative ways of addressing the problem,. Ultimately, applies environmentalism as sustainable solution for the scarce supply of water in Masbate.

A pressing national/societal concern

The insufficient water supply in the Philippines continues to be a national concern. Many remote provinces, like Masbate, are most affected by it. I chose this beat since it is something that can be localized; and a national issue that has a local aspect is a good development-oriented story. Meanwhile, this also suggest a collaboration between multi-stakeholders, conceivable by LGUs, DOST, DENR, and potential NGOs. The point is, there is a collective effort between the government and the community to make the project happen.

Capital Jewelry of the Philippines

Our first assignment in our laboratory class was to think of three development-oriented topics that are existing in our local community. I struggled a lot during this time because I don’t know which concerns should be my topic. 

I remember the first three topics that I presented were all rejected because all of them are not relevant or appealing. Also, the time frame of the issue was already outdated. Thus, I tried to think again wherein I recalibrated my topic and pursued the jewel industry. 

Continue reading “Capital Jewelry of the Philippines”

Upbeat your development beat!

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Identifying a specific development beat/topic to focus on is kind of hard at first. However, it takes enough weighing and analyzation to decide on which news beat you want. In the case of my Laboratory exercise, I chose the Youth Week of our Barangay. Before I end up with these, I go through many discussions with some friends and classmates as well as myself. Gratefully, my chosen topic fits on the training wheels of identifying development-oriented topics namely Sustainable Development Goals, CDC Values and Guiding Principles, and National and Community Issues/Concerns.

The SDGs

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Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030, the San AntonYouth Week 2021 falls on the Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality Education, and Peace, justice and strong institutions. This is due to the fact that the annual Youth Week was composed of the programs:

  • Nutri Almu Iwas Ambu – provides breakfast for the youth
  • Health and Hygiene Kit distribution – the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) of our Barangay provides alcohol, toothbrush, and other hygiene materials
  • HaysKolehiyo – distribution of online learning kits
  • Mobile Legends and Call of Duty Mobile eSports Tournament – substitute to physical contact sports
  • Voter’s Registration Campaign – helped the youth to register for the incoming elections

The 4Es

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The CDC Values and Guiding Principles (4Es) is composed of Empowerment, Equity, Entrepreneurship, and Environmentalism. Barangay San Antonio’s Youth Week 2021 covers the Equity and Empowerment. Since it involves a campaign for Voter’s registration, it facilitates a raise on social and political consciousness of the youth. In terms of Equity, the SK officials themselves distributes resources such as school supplies, nutritious meals, and health kits for the youth.

National and Community Issues/Concerns

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Philippine Youth Development Plan being the framework of all Sangguniang Kabataan project nationwide, the annual Youth Week encompasses our national and community concern especially on those part of the youth whom do not have an idea that there were numerous SK programs in which they could benefit. In addition, problems in hunger and education were given treatment as well.

Upbeat your Development beat

In choosing your topic especially when considering if it is development-oriented or not, see to it that it fits on the three aspect mentioned above. Also, as the Devcom mantra says, “Know thy audience,” always consider who will be your probable readers so that you won’t get lost in the middle of making your news story. Always look at the bigger picture. However, the big details you see is as important as the other details too… so make sure that you weigh things well. All these is for your development beat to be upbeat!

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