STUDENT HEROES—A crowdsourcing on how working students balance their time for school matters and job responsibilities was conducted to the working-students as crews in a fastfood chain in Mexico, Pampanga.

The crowdsourcing started 28th of October and lasted for almost a month to gather more information from working-students on their insights and experiences on how to balance a work and school life. Most of the responses gathered from these working-students have said that time-management is the key balance between their responsibilities. 

The Lakeshore McDonald’s full-time and part-time crews after duty

Working students are striving in order to earn both financial and experience. The dean of the school they attend gives considerations for working students, as supported by Ryan Tiglao one of the interviewee, a working student for almost 4 years in a fast food chain in Mexico, Pampanga, also a part of dean’s list in Don Honorio Ventura State University. 

According to Ryan Tiglao, sacrifice is one thing that one cannot avoid if you are a working-student. There are a lot of other scenarios where a working-student will have to decide if one must sacrifice something for the other. Despite these struggles, there are actually a lot of benefits in being a working student. These major benefits are also the motivations of the student heroes, the skills and experience they gain which can be essential for their future jobs really equips them into getting familiar with the real-life scenario and helps in easily adapting to the actual environment they will come across in the near future.

The working students who responded in the crowdsourcing, revealed that having a job while studying really helps in aiding their financial necessities. They helped themselves to earn and buy for themselves, as well as helping their parents to lessen the burden when it comes to financial matters.

Feel Good Moments Workshop for Guest Experience Leader crews in McDonald’s featuring working students

These various experiences from working students are living proof of how they deserve to be called student heroes. Balancing their responsibilities is no easy task, but because of their personal dreams and aspirations, they continue to struggle in order to have the capability to sustain themselves and to help their families.

SAISang sulyap mo, pinahirap ako!

Labo diba, parang SAIS lang

SAIS, one thing that every UP student hates. When I got in to UP, I do not know anything about its system or the like. I got confused and somehow got worried because people from my previous schools who also passed UPCAT keep on ranting about how hard and how problematic SAIS is. My brother who is also a former student of UPLB told me that, UP uses a system called SAIS and it is where you enroll for the subjects that you want to take for the next semester.

After knowing the basic information about SAIS, I was amazed since I was used to the traditional or manual way of enrolling which is with the help of the teachers themselves. I am amazed that UP has its own system to cater every students queries when it comes to subjects, so I had my hopes high about this SAIS thing. There come the time I got notified that we will have our SAIS account, I was worried since I cannot access it, I thought I did not receive any turns out that it is really a slow process to access our own SAIS account.

After accessing the SAIS, I remember I was excited to browse it but to be honest I was disappointed how plain and confusing the design of the dashboard or the overall look of the system. I felt lost, up until now I am still exploring it. My first impression of it is that, why is it so weird looking. I asked my brother if this is the actual look of the SAIS and he said yes, this is THE SAIS.

I did not know what to do with it, the first thing I learned was to get and know my class schedule for the semester. I am grateful that I have my brother and some kuya from UP who helped me navigate the basics of SAIS, some even helped me to have my own copy of class schedule color-coded. I get to know SAIS even more the help of the orientation given to us.

Now that the end of semester is drawing near, we are now in the phase where we can select the subjects we want to take and put them in the cart, I am hoping that my first experience of enrolling will be peaceful and organize even though I doubt it. Given the feedbacks mostly negative feedbacks from other UP students make me think that there is a high chance that the process of enrollment won’t go smoothly and easily.

First Sem Done✓

This whole semester is bomb, a lot happened and in week three I mostly explained how I am still adapting to the new environment with an online set-up. Baby steps are important, every step takes you somewhere farther from your starting place, but looking back I can say I have come so far. Being a freshman is not easy especially in the current set-up, there are a lot of hindrances that blocks my way, it is hard to stay focus and stay motivated, I experienced a lot of mental breakdowns that I never knew I would experience but if I look at the bigger picture, I have observe how these things honed me to be a stronger person. 

I got to harness some skills, I became much more resourceful and I started to love reading about stuff. For some, I may not provide a significant and a lot of achievements in the past months, but I believe that I did a lot and exerted a lot of effort to learn. These little improvements are what accounts, as long as I keep taking a step forward no matter how small, it will take me somewhere.

I learned that it is not a race, that you have your own pace just find where you are comfortable. Do not pressure yourself and burden yourself with too much overthinking, it will not help. I am still working on myself and my skills as a Devcom student, that is why I am also preparing myself for the upcoming battles that I must face.

First Sem Done✓

This whole semester is bomb, a lot happened and in week three I mostly explained how I am still adapting to the new environment with an online set-up. Baby steps are important, every step takes you somewhere farther from your starting place, but looking back I can say I have come so far. Being a freshman is not easy especially in the current set-up, there are a lot of hindrances that blocks my way, it is hard to stay focus and stay motivated, I experienced a lot of mental breakdowns that I never knew I would experience but if I look at the bigger picture, I have observe how these things honed me to be a stronger person. 

I got to harness some skills, I became much more resourceful and I started to love reading about stuff. For some, I may not provide a significant and a lot of achievements in the past months, but I believe that I did a lot and exerted a lot of effort to learn. These little improvements are what accounts, as long as I keep taking a step forward no matter how small, it will take me somewhere.

I learned that it is not a race, that you have your own pace just find where you are comfortable. Do not pressure yourself and burden yourself with too much overthinking, it will not help. I am still working on myself and my skills as a Devcom student, that is why I am also preparing myself for the upcoming battles that I must face.

Dear Me,

How I wish I did these things before, how I wish I was more responsible. Despite my shortcomings, I want myself to know that I am still proud of you, I know your struggles and I am proud that you are a fighter. Keep fighting, be patient and do not be discouraged because good things will soon happen.

Life of a Working-Student

Grade 10 to senior high, I made a huge decision which somehow molded me to who I am now. I applied as a service crew in a restaurant near our home, during that time I was bombarded with school work and other responsibilities but I still decided to continue working despite these challenges. I have always wanted to earn because I have observed that we do not have the luxury to buy things anytime we want and sometimes we are having a hard time looking for income to pay for my school bills and other necessities so I opted to do something which will lessen the burden of my family financially. As I explored the world of work, I got to learn that it is a very different environment, where you cannot play around, ask for a second chance or request for extension just like in school, but rather you learn how to get more careful at work and you get to learn and know a lot of different people. It also taught me to be much more appreciative and practical when it comes to money, I also learned how to be independent and responsible for my own life. These are just some of my experiences, so when we got the chance to choose a topic, life of working students is the first thing that I remembered.

I no longer work now as a part-timer but I would like to have this opportunity to take a chance to know more working students and how to balance their life considering they are also studying and have responsibilities at home. This topic focuses on the specific things that they do to prepare themselves for the path they have chosen. Especially now that there are a lot of young people who look for a source of income to provide for themselves and for their family. Young people who work hard because they experience the harshness of life, young people who want to make most of their youth to dedicate themselves to trying different things which will surely make them grow as individuals and learn how to survive the outside world. 

I am well aware of how hard it is to sacrifice your personal time to do something aside from studying. There are some times where you go to class with little to no amount of sleep, there are also sometimes where you get scolded by your  teacher or even manager at work for being late. It’s just a matter of time management and prioritizing your tasks. Now that I am a budding media writer, I would like to have this chance to know the stories of other working students. They may provide stories that can touch and inspire the people and help them realize the reality. I want to give them the platform and the recognition that they deserve, because honestly not all heroes wear capes, sometimes they are just ordinary human beings who dream of having a stable and happy life.

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