He Who Discerns, WINS!

A chef is able to fulfill his work if he has served a good meal, while a surgeon can say that he accomplished his job if he was able to save the patient’s life. But what does determine the success of work done by media writers? What is considered a win to media writing? To answer these questions, we must begin within ourselves and assess the qualities and skills a media writer should possess.

1. Curious or Inquisitive41. Gathering Data3
2. Intelligent32. Validating and Clarifying Information2
3. Industrious43. Organizing Information2
4. Resourceful44. Writing Clearly and Effectively3
5. Persevering35. Proficiency in the Operation of Communication Tools/Devices4
6. Imaginative2
7. Puts Premium on Accuracy and Truth (facts)1
8. Loves to Read 1
9. Interested In and Loves People4
10. Service-oriented2
Qualities and Skills of a Media Writer by Nomar Silang

To begin, there are 10 key qualities of a media writer including curious or inquisitive, intelligent, industrious, resourceful, and persevering. The other half consists of imaginative, puts a premium on accuracy and truth, loves to read, interested in and loves people, and service oriented. Among the given qualities, I chose resourceful, puts premium on accuracy and truth, and service oriented as the most important ones. As media writers being resourceful is your edge to work flexible on an innovative nature. To deliver a more valuable article, the one who scratches the surface the most are able to mine diamonds in a news report. Resourcefulness mentions the ability to view necessary perspectives to cover the highlights of information.  In addition, putting premium on accuracy and truth is a rare skill nowadays in a platform full of opinionated contents. Across the endless channels that come up with different versions of truth it is hard to identify which one delivers the original one. As esteemed journalists, being media literate is a defining quality that should not just end within you but should be reciprocated within your readers. Speaking of audience, media writers should always be service oriented. Having the platform to write holds a great responsibility and power that can influence and transform individuals. This platform should be utilized to widen the access of citizens for reliable and valid information.   

On the other hand, there are 5 essential skills for media writers the comprises of gathering data, validating and clarifying information, organizing information, writing clearly and effectively and proficiency in the operation of communication tool/devices. Here, I picked the 2 most essential skills. First, writing clearly and effectively, is the key to effective communication. Cementing this in mind means you have reviewed the information needs of your audience. As media writers, the last thing we need to think when writing is to impress, rather, publishing an article that can satisfy the information needs of the audience congruent to the level of their perception. Second, is proficiency in the operation of communication tool/devices. Exposure and competence to various platforms and applications showcases your professionalism ang high level of literacy. This skill is also necessary to catch up on the exponential progression of a media-saturated world. Moreover, it will also enable media writers to shift with applicable formats when producing materials that will cater the information needs of readers.

The work of a media writer is pretty much subjective on multifaceted nature of writing. From the qualities and skills of a media writer, I saw a common ground that would summarize its shared context. That is the power of discernment. Discerning that is not limited to one sense, but to the multidimensions of media writing. So, I would say that a media writer accomplished his job if his work is discerning. His works does not only deliver necessary information but have the capacity to influence his readers’ mind to make an informed decision.  Nevertheless, as practicing professionals, as much as we are expected to possess all these skills and qualities, we should also bare in mind that good writers are made and not born. Just like other profession, it takes thousands of hours of practice before fully mastering the field.

19 Again

It would take you sometime before you realize or not that my name is the reversed version of my father’s name spelled backwards: Nomar-Ramon. As a kid, I did not question it. Aside from awkwardly repeating it whenever someone misheard it as Nomer or Norman and other variants of interchanging pronunciations. But as I grew older, I started to theorize my self-made concepts that unraveled the meaning and purpose of my life based on my name. Nevertheless, it bridged me to determine what I truly fight for, and justify my being.

The youth my father had is far different from mine. My father grew up in the slums of the urban poor communities in Manilla, from a family of 10 siblings. In contrast, my story developed in a typical household in the province of Batangas, from an ideal family of 4 siblings.  Ramon struggled in a situation of, isang kahig isang tuka, whereas the opposite happened for myself, being spoon-fed with parents’ support towards my decisions in life. The fate my father had, dictated him the inability to finish education and resorted to employment at a young age. On the other hand, my parents paved the pathway for us to access education and hone opportunities. Two boys at different time periods, having upside down version of stories to tell, explaining the reversed version of each other’s name

In another universe, where my father can choose his life to live, he would have probably chosen mine, but life is not a grant-wishing factory. Reality is that we move forward and make sense of the present. That’s why on the 16th of August, 2002, the night my father heard my first cry, he strengthened his senses to provide this tiny bean a garden to sprout.  Securing a life where I can fulfill what he failed to accomplish. As he would always remind us, perform well in school to avoid the recurrence of mistakes he had done before. Before, I belittled myself as someone weak and has no moving story to narrate. Stories about suffering and major challenges.  Now, I came to discern that someone already walk that storm for the sacrifice of calm and serenity to his children.

By these internal realizations, I was able to solidify my identity, the roots of my aspirations in life.   The only beam of hope Ramon was able to afford was to dream, but now I can put those fantasies into reality. I am my father’s dream. As he walks pass by these seemingly far-fetched institutions, here I am, a freshman for the University of the Philippines Los Baños. As he struggles inside the slums hoping for life improvement, here I am, in the College of Development Communication that aims for social change. From his youth under the marginalized sector of community to my youth of becoming a forefront student leader and has a power to mobilize development. Ramon’s blurry abstractions of perceiving life, was transformed to Nomar’s directed vision of success.

 If time could break its dimensions and make it possible for these two boys to meet at the same time, what would be their message to each other? One thing that we have in common is our sense of humor, a trait that attracts camaraderie and trustworthiness. Both strengthened by each version of stories to tell, and both value the present and make the most out of it to thrive.

Understanding my name helped me define my identity and grounded me to set of principles that would navigate me towards my purpose. Reversed names can be funny but it can also be amazing especially if we disclose its context that may or may not be the original intention.


As a product of Ayala Foundation, Inc. (AFI), no amount can express my gratitude towards them for all the opportunities I fostered upon. Dating back to 2006, when volunteer employees from AFI reached out to this seemingly new family in town having three kids yet to start their formal education. They discussed how me and my siblings are eligible for scholarship in CENTEX Batangas, a public school founded by AFI. Captivated by a heart dedicated to service and promoting education, my parents were convinced and gratefully accepted their invitation. From a conversation, these siblings were able to set foot inside the classroom. Center of Excellence as my second home, did not only prepared me academically but also trained me to explore my innate potentials. Cementing that foundation, grounded me even more to lead and conquer beyond my limits during high school. Now, still standing on that foundation, is now a proud Iskolar ng Bayan from the University of the Philippines Los Baños taking up Bachelor of Science in Development Communication.  

First of all, let me define what Development Communication is. According to Quebral (2012), she redefined development communication as “the science of human communication linked to the transition of communities from poverty in all its forms to a dynamic overall growth that fosters equity and the unfolding of individual potential.” While, Mazud (2012), states that DevCom is intended to build consensus and facilitate knowledge sharing to achieve positive change. Then a study from Thusong Service Center (2012), contributed to the definition of DevCom as a response to factors limiting the access to service and citizen participation.

PUB for UPLB CDC Orientation 2021
FB Post by UPLB Devcom

There are other studies that revealed definitions and approaches of DevCom. But to summarize the very context of it, DevCom focuses on the marginalized sectors of community to communicate their information needs and influencing them to make informed decisions. Making informed decisions as the end goal of DevCom has the power to lift society from one point to another where they can have a better access and quality of life.

Being illuminated with the context and field of Development Communication, I saw the similarities of my experience as an AFI scholar that parallels the definition of DevCom. AFI became the communicator of educational opportunity, and this channel gave the chance for my parents to make an informed decision. This decision gradually affected me and my siblings by receiving a good quality education rich from opportunities. My perception of DevCom solidified as I also once affiliated with people and organization that share the same advocacies.

Alumni of CENTEX who participated in #AFIcentexALAEHforLife
IG post by @arviearvoxarvz
Bayanihan Para sa Paaralan 2021
FB post by Bogs Abanto

In addition, as an alumnus of the said school, we highly practice the value of giving back. Hence, I was also exposed in social works such as participating in volunteer projects headed by AFI. One is the #AFIcentexALAEHforLife a donation drive for Taal Volcano victims. In this event, we went across the elementary schools of Bauan which was swarming with evacuees and distributed food and sanitary supplies. Recently, I also volunteered for Bayanihan Para Sa Paaralan, 2021 where we repaired and reformat laptops to be disseminated and used by faculty and students for online learning this academic year. These experiences solidified my advocacy to service and empowering society by resilience

These parallels have also bridged me to land in the College of Development Communication. Inspired by the giving body of educational opportunity I was able to benefit. Who would have thought how powerful a single conversation can make? Had it not for the initiative to reach out to my family, my parents won’t be oriented with the information that helped them make an informed decision. Now, I want to use my platform as a DevCom student to amplify the goal for social change. Transcending the sufferings of society from a complex web of underdevelopment issues. I remember how I would run the fields of my second home without having to problematize tomorrow. The power of having the chance for an informed decision doesn’t with me, I want every child to grown in a secure and protective society. Soon, the fields will be occupied by more kids yet to uncoil their opportunities and ready for what the world has to offer.        


Mazu, M. (2012). Development Communication: Challenges in an Empowered Information Environment. Retrieved from: http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/Mozammel_DevComm_edit.ppt

Quebral, N.C. (2012). Development Communication primer. Penang: Southbound (p9)

Thusong Service Centre, (2012). The Government Development Communication Initiative: A Response to Democratic Communication and Citizen Participation in South Africa. Retrieved from: https://www.gov.za/about-government/contact-directory/thusong

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