
Signs. Signs. Signs. I don’t really believe in signs but on one particular day, July 11 to be exact, when I was being impatient and complaining endlessly because of the long line of people waiting outside a famous convenience store, my sister pointed her finger towards something…

Want to know what it was? Well, you can see it in the blurred image below.

University of the Philippines “University Seal” (Photo Captured on July 11, 2021)

It’s the seal of almost everybody’s dream school. University of the Philippines. My sister’s alma mater and now where I am currently studying, but entering this premier university isn’t just like any other. You have to go through so much before actually getting there. When the pandemic started, our lives changed overnight, and that includes the conduct of the UPCAT. It wasn’t the same as before because we have to embrace the new normal, and that’s where UPCA entered the scene. Before, if hopefuls endure long lines just to take the exam, now long lines still happen, but it’s through the internet. You have to wait as patiently as you are. It’s less-hassle but it gives you the same feels and chills as UPCAT. UPCA without the T actually tests your patience and faith.

UP is not really my dream school. To be honest, I’ve never dreamed of studying somewhere far away from home. Aside from having the worst homesickness, I didn’t really have big dreams as a child but going back, due to the pandemic, my dreams and perspectives really changed. Now, more than ever, I can say loud and proud that UP is my dream school.

I can’t really remember the day I applied but it was around January, when college applications were the talk of the town. Among our section and the whole batch, only a few applied for UP. I tried my shot because I am a consistent honor student and my records were great, and it was really my sister who pushed me to apply for UPCA. I applied because I believe there’s no harm in trying. When I applied, it was less-hassle because my teachers helped me in completing my requirements and my previous school also willingly cooperated.

After weeks of working on my application, it was already complete and I only have to wait for the release of results. Maybe the hassle was really in waiting for login codes but it wasn’t really too much based on my experience. I also tried other schools, but all in all, I only made it to two premier schools in the country. Both were state universities but I won’t disclose the other one anymore. When I applied for UPCA, I had to choose between all UP constituents and degree programs per campus. I can still remember that my first choice was really Diliman and Los Baños was only my second campus choice. While for the degree programs, my first choice for Diliman was BSED. Education was really my dream course. I also chose other degree programs I am interested in which include psychology and journalism. It was great how this is the process for UPCA. You are given the freedom to choose and list your degree programs unlike other universities and provide options at the same time. On the other hand, for UPLB, my first choice was BSDC, along with sociology and veterinary medicine. I really took the time to think about my selections and I was hopeful that I would get into the university with my dream course.

Fast-forward to July 15, 2021. I woke up very early because I am included in the list of those who will get their results early in the morning. The day before that day, I prayed and slept early because I was feeling nervous already but I just said to myself that, whatever happens, this is not yet the end. When one door closes, another door opens, so surrender all your worries to God.

I set my alarm and woke up with mixed emotions. I really can’t fathom what I was feeling at that exact moment but I know for myself that I should lower my expectations. We don’t have wifi at home so what I did was I just shared the hotspot connection with my sister. I login to the site and waited for a bit. I closed my eyes and I was breathing heavily. Praying that I will pass. The very first thing that I read on the screen was: “CONGRATULATIONS!” Honestly, I didn’t mind about the details next to that one word. We were altogether jumping for joy and shouting early in the morning. I was so happy that I passed even if it wasn’t really my dream course or first choice. Who wouldn’t be? Among the 100, 000 applicants, I was one of the passers.

UPCA 2021 Results

Everything felt right at that moment. The seal that my sister and I saw was already a sign of me passing the UPCA. For what I believe, just do your best and God will do the rest. I did my best in everything and I trusted the process. I have faith in myself and I know I can always do it. My tips for you would be, just trust the process and do not worry too much about the future, focus on the present. During that time, I was also doing my best in my studies because I am about to graduate. Take your time, be prepared for the requirements, and don’t forget to ask for help and some advice. Don’t bet your whole life on signs because you are the one who creates your future. It is in your hands. Just give your heart to it but try to lower your expectations because not everything will work in your favor. Remember that UP is not the only school out there, so expand your horizons and maybe you are meant for something greater and bigger than your plans. I always remind others who are also dreaming to study in UP to just focus on their studies because doing good in school and in life can take them anywhere. UPCA may be a bit stressful but you have to go through it because you want it. Don’t give up, face your fears, and fight for your dreams.

Good luck to those who will try their shot. I believe in you future iskolar ng bayan! Huli, palaging tatandaan: Lagi’t lagi para sa bayan!


(Credits to the rightful owner of the photo.)

A little goes a long way…

As development communicators-in-training, it’s not enough that we only focus on the qualities and skills to be an effective media writer, we also need to have tools or equipment to be geared up in our writing classes. Before the semester actually started, I was able to join various webinars regarding development communication. Aside from talking about the field of study, some speakers and facilitators whom most of them were upperclassmen, also shared their insights and tips on what to have for the coming academic year. Preparedness really is essential and being ready is an advantage to go well through the challenges and what is to come in your journey.

Below are the top five must-have items/tools for development communication students that are deemed most helpful in their writing classes:

  1. Laptop – The one you need the most. You have to really invest on this one because you won’t be able to accomplish your tasks without a good laptop. There’s no really definite specs on which laptop to buy, but according to some, a working laptop will do and of course, it has to be fast and reliable. You can multitask and you can do all your tasks at once. Additionally, it must have a great storage space for your files because you will be doing a lot.
  2. Earphones – This is such a staple. It can already work as your microphone and can get you through all your classes this semester. Audio recording will be easier and the bonus part is that you can listen to music and attend your classes, anytime and anywhere. Wherever you go, it is really a must-have because desperate times call for desperate measures.
  3. Smartphone – The one that takes you places. Having a smartphone can get you through everything already. It is an all-in-one device where you can attend your classes, do your writing activities, edit, record, or whatever it is. It is so portable and really is a must-have. Your smartphone can do everything and I can attest to that because I do almost everything in it. It must be in my pocket or bag always and as a devcom student, I definitely need it.
  4. Camera and Microphone – These are not really a need but it will help you in producing quality outputs. According to some upperclassmen, they highly consider these equipment as investments. It doesn’t have to be costly, for as long as it’s working and can help you produce better quality works, that’s a go. If you ever have the budget, go for it but in the meantime, you can use your smartphone because it can do the work of a camera and microphone.
  5. Notebook and Pen – My treasures. I can’t really go outside of the house or get through my classes without these two. I need them so much and these are my essentials. The upperclassmen recommended that we make use of notion as a note-taking app, but I am more of a traditional learner/student. I learn best and make quality works or outputs with the help of my notebook and pen. I would still prefer using them because I limit my screen-time. You have to always be ready to take notes wherever you go and in drafting your works.

Indeed, a little goes a long way. Development Communication doesn’t require too much. You don’t have to spend so much just to get through your writing classes. Apart from these tangible things or materials, nothing can still beat readiness in other aspects, such as a stable mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We don’t know what’s in store for us through the coming days, but what’s certain is that, we have to utilize and maximize our resources well for us to have fruitful results in our activities. It doesn’t really matter if you don’t have all of these or you don’t have the latest, according to the upperclassmen, it’s fine for as long as you are greatly persevered in achieving your goals and in all of the things you do. I believe in you. You can always do it!

Paalala: Dangal at Husay! Serve the people!

Reminder: You are a work in progress!

No one starts as a master or an expert. Everyone has to start from the bottom to arrive at the top. Not everyone also has the same set of qualities and skills they’re good at. We all differ but what makes us the same is that, when we want to be good at something, we work harder. Indeed, “no pain, no gain” but it doesn’t have to be literally blood and tears behind every success, it can also be losing one’s sense of purpose and passion. At some point, our creative minds are nowhere to be found and lose sight of our goals and aspirations. It’s not the end of the world already, it’s not yet the end of your journey. Remember, this is only the beginning. The start of something new. To rediscover yourself and explore your potential. To learn about new things, new skills, and to consider new qualities. It may take you days, weeks, months, or years, but this is the time to remind yourself that you are a work in progress. You don’t have to rush things. Just run at your own pace. We all have our timelines.

Now that I am taking Development Communication, it’s time to set things straight as more learnings and more opportunities await and this includes practices I have to unlearn and relearn. It may take quite some time but the process will be worth it. We all have our skills and qualities, some of which are caused by influence while some we only learned on our own through our experiences and habits. The same thing with devcom, as a field of study and an area of practice, it also has its own set of skills and qualities that media writers and development communicators-in-training should assess themselves if they’ve already possessed this or they should never stop practicing, committing, and learning towards betterment.

As for the qualities and skills of media writers, there are a lot of qualities that should be possessed and observed and skills that should be honed or shaped more by everyone in the field. Moreover, I believe the most critical quality I need to develop would be putting premium on accuracy and truth. Why? Among all of these qualities, it’s not enough that we are service-oriented or someone who is interested and loves the people. Thus, we also have to be credible and by default, someone who puts premium on accuracy and truth/facts. Remember the tagline of most broadcasting stints, “We deliver nothing but the truth,” and that should be our mantra as media writers. A media writer puts prime importance on fairness and resourcefulness to be able to deliver or publish quality stories or contents.

Everyone starts from scratch until someone immerses in the field and later on becomes effective as a media writer or media practitioner in particular. On the other side of the coin, there are two skills I would greatly consider as most important or crucial as a media writer should have. These skills would be the ability to write clearly and effectively and proficiency in the operation of communication tools and devices. As someone who writes a lot, the most critical skill I should develop and practice more in on writing clearly and effectively and invest more time and effort on what will help me become an effective media writer in the field. While, one should also consider to be proficient enough in the resources available and be knowledgeable on how to utilize or troubleshoot these media tools or devices. Enhancing the quality of your content or devcom story could be easy if you focus on what will help you improve and be fully equipped with the proper knowledge and skills.

“Consistency is the key,” as they always say and it should always be. Moreover, the photos below are self-assessments consisting of the qualities and skills of a media writer and after a thorough evaluation, these are the ratings I have for myself:

I still have a long way to go to further develop, practice, and hone these qualities and skills. Thus, first things first, I have to be familiar with all of these to be guided and to be effective in the field, to give nothing but quality works and writings. Knowing all of these is already an edge in the career path I will pursue in the future. Keep learning, work smarter, and try harder! You can do it and you can still be better. Just take your time, trust the process, and all will be well. Again, you are a work in progress!


Unhealthy sleeping patterns. Skipping meals. Back pains. Headaches. Tears.

These are just few of the many things I am experiencing when classes started. When I entered college, I know that this would be a whole lot different from senior high school. I already have a glimpse of what it’s like studying in an online learning setup, but what I wasn’t expecting is the amount of things I have to have to sacrifice for the sake of keeping up with my studies.

I’ve sacrificed a good night’s sleep, my relationship with other people or my social life, time with my family or loved ones, and some important occasions that happened amid the semester. I’m not really good in managing time but I’m putting in mind my priorities because I have no one to talked to when things get rough or someone to accompany me in doing my school works. Ultimately, this remote learning setup cost me one thing and that is I’ve grown distanced from everything.

Honestly, I haven’t really adjusted with college life. What makes it even harder is the current setup. I’m barely surviving but at least, I am making it through the hardships despite the situation and everything around me isn’t really contributing to my studies. My environment is not even conducive to my learning. Instead of doing well in my studies, I am unstable.

Studying from home is the new normal but still, learning isn’t really effective, it’s more of “compliance” and “passing” if I may say. I thought when I’ll enter college, I’ll be able to live away from home, just like how I’ve always wanted. Everything’s not helping in all aspects but I will share with you a glimpse of how and what it’s like to study from home through these stories.

First is my study station. To be honest, I don’t really have a study station because I don’t have my own room but I asked my father to build us some tables which we can use for the meantime since I couldn’t afford to buy yet a study table. He asked someone to make us some wooden study table, both my brother and me. While, my mom bought some cover for the table. The table is spacious enough but the space allotted for my study area wasn’t really big so I have to fit myself in there. A monobloc chair works for me but along with it is the never ending complains for back pain. Also, I don’t have a study lamp.

A photo of me doing some school work in my study station.

Next is on my daily schedule. I don’t really write on planners anymore, I just go with the flow. I wake up around 7 or 8 a.m. to attend my first class. My body clock really works because no matter how late I sleep, I still wake up very early the next day. I only eat breakfast or lunch after my each of my classes. My classes usually start at 8:30 a.m then in the afternoon at 5:30 p.m. but I have a course that ends at 7 p.m. Synchronous sessions are really time-consuming. I can’t manage to do my tasks because I still have to prepare for the next class and of course, I have to study. Classes happen from Tuesday to Friday, but the whole week is really tiring. Rest is not really a thing in college.

(Click this link to watch my everyday online learning routine.)

Aside from taking most of your time, college really is draining or exhausting. Unless, you are good in time-management and you don’t have other priorities or things to work on. Simply, my tips on how to maintain one’s physiological and psychological health amid the setup is to take breaks, do not deprive yourself from enjoyment, do what you love or your hobbies, watch your favorite movies or listen to calming or relaxing songs, sing your heart out loud to worship songs, cry if you want, go on quick trips, bond with your family and friends even once in a while, communicate with others, and lastly, take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. School is important. Good grades are important, but remember, you are the most important.

P.S. You can listen to this song if you feel lost and unmotivated in life.

No Regrets, Just Love

We always tell ourselves we would’ve known better.

No, life doesn’t work like that. I believe, “everything happens for a reason.”

You may not understand things by now, but soon enough…

There will be some point in our lives where we’ll get to remember things and wish we could go back to these days and change them. Regrets happen and you have to acknowledge that. Maybe, what we don’t realize is that our lives depend on how we respond to certain situations. Our lives greatly depend on our choices and decisions. We all commit mistakes but that doesn’t mean we have to keep repeating them. One mistake should be a reminder, it should serve as a lesson to do better and be wiser along the way in the path we will take.

I’ve always lived a life full of regrets. I’ve grown to be independent. Back when I was in kindergarten, I went to school all by myself. Even when I was in grade school, I had no parents to take me to school and fetch me. I have to walk and ride a cab on my own. I’ve always been independent. I learn and do things on my own. I have this habit of not asking for help from anyone. I can manage on my own. I figure things out on my own because I got used to doing it.

When I was in high school, I experienced so many things and ticked off goals from my bucket list. I went through and surpassed things on my own like I’ve always been. I’ve conquered heartbreaks and problems without my loved ones knowing about it. Now that I am in college, I thought it would always be the same. This is the time where I’ve told myself, I could’ve known better, but what else can I do? It’s now or never. I have to compromise and sacrifice because life’s not the same for me anymore. College really made me regret a lot and I wasn’t ready for all the self-doubts and anxieties, tears and challenges.

Now that my first semester in college is almost over, I want to share these top five tips and leave you pieces of advice that I wish I could’ve given my old self during the first day of classes or my pre-college self/pre-freshman life:

  1. Do not act based on impulse. – I always hear this from my friends and I always tell my friends about this but I can’t even apply this to myself. One thing I’ve later realized after entering college is to not make important life decisions just because you are excited or sad, or purely based on emotions. Just because it makes you happy, doesn’t imply that you go for it. You have to think of the decisions you will make over and over again. Remember to not act based on impulse. You’ll have less regrets if you make personal decisions carefully.
  2. Not all opportunities are meant to be pursued. – A once in a lifetime opportunity or a knock in the door is not a guarantee of success and happiness. No matter what happens, go back to your reasons, to your original plans. Not everything should be grabbed. Doesn’t mean it’s great for someone, the same will be for you. We all have different situations in life. Just because it’s smooth-sailing for others, doesn’t mean it is also for you. Some sail through the oceans or seas by boat and paddle while some are riding yachts. Think about your intentions well and what you want to achieve at the end of the day. It’s not the lives of others that dictate the life you will be living. Keep this in mind: Even if it’s difficult for you, for as long as it’s making you happy and lets you sleep peacefully, go for it!
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. – Remind yourself that a little progress is still progress. Before you enter the battle, prepare yourself for the long days and the sleepless nights. We all work on things differently and you are a work in progress. Do not be too hard on yourself just because others are doing better than you. Your time will come, take it slowly, and celebrate the little things.
  4. Be patient and always trust the process. – Even if things aren’t working the way you want them to be, be prepared and be patient. Understand that in college, you’ll go through many challenges and you’ll have a lot of expectations for yourself, but don’t push yourself at the edge of the cliff. Trust the process and soon, things will work their way out and everything will be in your favor.
  5. Enjoy every moment. Do not forget to rest. – Whatever there is to come, enjoy every second and every minute of it. Enjoy the process. There will be pain and suffering, but you won’t leave without a degree so be kinder to yourself. After all the work, do not deprive yourself of rest and breaks. Do not forget to take care of yourself. Your well-being must be the top-priority in this journey.

There’s no use to regretting. We have started from the bottom, now we’re here. Love yourself more and may you continue to grow by grace through faith. We only live once so make every second count. I hope you’ll take all of these lessons later on in your journey. Forgive yourself if you haven’t known better. You’ve come this far because of you. You are the reason behind everything. Great job!

If DevCom has 4Es, I also have mine but 4Ps, which stands for: Pag-andam, Pahulay, Padayon, Paglambo which means in English, “Prepare, rest, continue and move forward, succeed.” Padayon para sa atong mga puhon! Fighting!

This photo was captured a month before I entered college. “Back when everything was fine.”

Miss Independent

She got her own thing, that’s why I love her…

Ne-Yo, “Miss Independent”

And all I know is that the hardest thing is writing about ourselves. If I were to describe her, she’s kind, simple, young, wild, but not really free, as cliché as it may sound, but that’s who she is. A rainbow to everyone’s clouds yet a storm to her own. She gives smiles, laughter, and kisses, and to tell you, her laugh is funnier than her jokes, but her life is full of stitches and rain clouds too. She’s a little dreamer, a strong and empowered woman bigger than her fears, and a fighter. She made it through all the heartbreaks life has stored for her. At such a young age, she fell in love, got distracted, and lost her track, but she made a comeback. She loved herself more than anyone else and realigned her goals and priorities in life. It took her years to finally realize that the world doesn’t revolve only around a man, but she is the one who makes the world go round. She turned all of the pain into lessons. She now values herself and enjoys her solitude more than anything else. She’s now wiser, fiercer, and better than ever. She is none other than me. I am her.

Maayong Adlaw! Halu, Higala!

I am Maura Antoinette D. Abellanosa. You can call me “mauradei,” that’s my trademark and how everyone around used to call me. I am 19 and proudly from Northern Mindanao. I have been a campus journalist since elementary and won numerous contests and joined press conferences all over the region. I wasn’t able to set foot in the national scene since my closest win as an individual writer is in 4th place. I have tried other fields such as broadcasting but it’s not really my forte, editorial, feature, and photojournalism, but ended up in Science and Health writing. The field later became Science and Technology when I was in junior high school. What’s even more interesting is that it was in 2014 when I tried my shot in the field and that was also the year when after a decade, the category was back in the game. My adviser called me to be the representative for the division level. I only had a few weeks to prepare since I was chosen to represent Jasaan instantly without any trial and error. I was actually an editorial writer but I wasn’t lucky. I can still remember how I was a bit hesitant at first because I don’t have any idea aside from it’s the same thing as feature writing, only that it’s in line with Science and Health. Surprisingly, I won 2nd place and competed in Camiguin for the regional level where I got into the 4th spot. It was a great experience after all and I continued it, even became the Editor-in-Chief during my last year in junior high school. I joined seminars, workshops, and eventually won some schools’ press conferences. After finishing junior high school, I became a part of the official publication of Lourdes College but stopped due to personal reasons but that wasn’t the end because I am still into writing, as it is my passion and remained a contributor. Ever since, I love to write and talk a lot.  I love collecting journals and diaries to write about my day, my experiences, and ultimately, everything I have in my mind and heart. I even made my own blogs and vlogs, that’s how I am so invested into writing, talking, and being in front of the camera, sharing my life to other people. My life has always been an open book. Before, I almost always shared everything about the happenings in my life. Everyone knows about what I’ve been through because I am so transparent with everything I did and do. I didn’t really care about what other people would say, social media has been my “home” because I wasn’t born in a family that shares their feelings and problems. Not until something happened when the pandemic started, 2020 hit me right to the core. I thought I was a strong independent woman back then but my world turned upside down when things happened to me and my family. I underestimated life and thought it would always be easy, never anticipating that from an almost perfect family, a turn of events would twist the strong foundation of love that we have.

Due to everything that happened, I found myself too exhausted and drained from everything. I lost my interest in writing, doing videos, and enjoying my hobbies. I placed myself in a bubble and isolated myself away from my dreams and lost my sense of purpose in life, losing my passion in everything I used to do and love. I was drowning in my thoughts and worries, helpless and hopeless in pain and anxiety. I blamed myself for everything that happened to me in the past but what can I do? All I can say is that I’ve had enough. Indeed, been there, done that, to be exact. When this semester ends, I hope to go back to my interests and start again with my passion. I want to read self-help books, rediscover my sense of purpose, and find myself in the midst of chaos. Before entering college, I was too devastated with all of the challenges I went through and I am still experiencing, the very reason why I became practical and realistic with my dreams and aspirations in life. I chose my dream school over my dream course in the hopes of finishing school with a good taste of quality education. I entered the door to an opportunity that is once in a blue moon. More than the great character I possessed, is the extraordinary talent and skill of writing that inspires many people to keep going. I am hoping to restart, recalibrate my ways, and aspire to be happier in life with the little things and my winnings. To finish school and do what I love is what I aspire to be, no matter how rough the road may be and may take longer, but I know in my heart it won’t take forever. I pray that I will fulfill all of my dreams, plans, goals, and everything and I will make a very beautiful life for myself and my family no matter what it takes. The efforts and sacrifices will all be worth it soon, just enjoy the process and take baby steps, you will get there soon. I believe in “struggle now, enjoy later,” just don’t forget to serve the people! Now that almost 2 years have passed since all those heartbreaks, I am now ready to move forward, find, and conquer the right path for me. Realizations may hit at the most unexpected times, but faith and courage will grow bigger. Not a day goes by that I’m not proud of what she has become.

Now I know better. I’m Stronger

Layla, Mobile Legends

Rejection < Redirection

“To everyone with a dream, know that your dreams are valid, and on your path you are never denied, and only redirected.”

Catriona Gray, Miss Universe 2018

It all started in the year 2017, at one particular room at the aggies building of Xavier University, my dream alma mater. I was a campus journalist back then but growing up, I have always dreamt of becoming a teacher even after graduating senior high school, it hasn’t changed. When asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, without a pause and a doubt, I always answer, “I want to be a teacher!” I was in kindergarten when I started dreaming of becoming one, when being asked why? Growing up, I had figures and people whom I always looked up to as a child, a dreamer. Aside from that, I knew also that it was both my grandmother’s and mother’s dream to become a teacher, but things weren’t the same for all of us. They were unfortunate in fulfilling their dreams. I felt like there’s something inside of me that wants to fulfill their dreams. Other people may seem disappointed by a simple dream, but my passion is no longer a thing for them to interfere. Belonging to a family of achievers and intelligent people, others would always expect me to dream more because I am capable but what can I do? It’s what my heart wants and what I’ve always wanted to be true.

The Writers-for-Writers Workshop 2017

Going back to where it all started, it was a whole day affair during the Manresa Days, facilitated by Development Communication students of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan. We were inside a room like the cinemas, with a big screen and a broadcasting studio inside. We were accompanied by DevCom students that time and referred to them as “ets.” In the morning, it was an event for broadcasters but we were also able to witness everything. I was amazed by how good those DevCom students were. For the afternoon, it was already my turn as a writer. In our workshop, we had a guest speaker, a PhD graduate from UPLB who shared her expertise with us; students coming from different schools in the region. I knew about UPLB already at that time because my sister was studying in LB. We were on the 5th floor of the school’s library when a strong earthquake happened that made us very scared. It lasted for quite some time then we decided to change venues going back to the agriculture building. At that moment, in that particular time and place, just like in the movies, a thought popped up inside my head, I became interested in DevCom. After that workshop, days passed by and I kept sharing with others how I felt and that thought that disturbed my certain dream of taking up education.

ECHO 2019: The 4th Mindanao Young Communicators’ Congress

Fast-forward to 2019, we met again with DevCom students, it was a seminar related again to journalism. The one I felt in 2017, came to me again. I love how they are so passionate, versatile, and flexible. I was greatly influenced and had a consideration of taking it in college. I never knew such a thing existed, DevCom exists, not until we were in XU. The only difference is that their program is under agriculture that is why students also immerse themselves in farming. I love writing and talking. I have a passion for it. I took up Humanities and Social Sciences in senior high school as I was planning to be a teacher. I had my immersion in grade 12. I was so ready to become one and what there is to come. I didn’t care so much about practicality back then, regardless of how much money I can make as a teacher because that is my passion, but life really has its turn of events and things happen when you least expect for it.

The pandemic has changed our lives overnight, our decisions, our aspirations. I applied for my dream course, education at two premier state universities in the country because it came to a point wherein my parents couldn’t afford to send me to a private school already with all the constraints and impacts brought about by the pandemic. I was about to take my scholarship exam for Xavier University under School of Education, but then fate really had different plans for me. I was not able to take it because they ran out of slots. I was looking for scholarships that time during grade 12 because I really want to pursue Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies, but sadly, there weren’t enough opportunities at that time. I was offered a full scholarship at Lourdes College because I was part of the Top 10 performing students and the Top 1 of our strand, but I didn’t grab the opportunity because I want to expand my horizons and go for greener pastures. As soon as UPCA and other college applications opened, I tried my shot, but ended up only applying for two schools with the hopes of getting into my dream course. After months of patiently waiting in vain, my heart was already trembling and I told myself on that day, July 15, no matter what happens, it is what it is. I set my alarm the night before and opened my phone at my schedule, first batch to know the results, and when I logged in, I closed my eyes in desperation. A message of congratulations appeared as I scrolled through my screen. I was with my sister at that very moment, happily shouting and jumping that I got into my dream university amidst the doubts and the obstacles I went through the past months.

At that moment, I didn’t care much about getting into my dream course because my heart was already full with the thought of getting into my dream school. It took me days to finally decide and confirm my slot. At first I was a bit hesitant because of a lot of “what ifs?” and all along, the people around me thought I would push through my lifelong dream of becoming an educator, but I grabbed the once in a lifetime opportunity that not everyone has the chance to have in their lives. I told myself, no matter how certain I am of my plans and no matter how desperate I am of the path I want to take, things won’t work out the way I wanted them to be.

A few months after, I started my college life with a lot of expectations and of course, prayers. There were a lot of webinars and activities we had to go through to be prepared for what’s ahead of us. It wasn’t an easy journey. I got a lot of sleepless nights, nights where I cry myself to sleep, anxieties, regrets, doubts, heartbreaks, and too many to mention. The earthquake that happened a few years ago when I encountered DevCom somewhat resembles my college journey at present. Honestly, there were times during the first semester that I felt great when I took DevCom, but most of the time, I regretted every minute of it. I was told hurtful words by certain loved ones. Things like maybe I couldn’t finish on time, the degree I took wouldn’t give me a nice-paying job in the future, and a lot more. I spent my nights thinking again if I made the right decision but there were also things that strongly reminded me of why I am doing this, this isn’t just a degree, a field of study or a practice, it’s a vocation, to be of service to others.

Moreover, Development Communication for me is indeed cute but is never archaic or old-fashioned. Why? When you say that it is cute, I would definitely agree because, without a doubt, it is in the heart of DevCom to serve. As a driver for positive social change through communication, I would like to highlight what makes DevCom confidently cute, and that is because it is people-centered and will always be for the masses. DevCom exists because of the issues present in society that need to be communicated and worked on. It exists because consciousness and social awareness still lack amid our society. DevCom puts us at the top, along with the various communities we coordinate with. There is genuine and active participation, and DevCom makes the impossible possible. It helps us do more and be better at reaching society’s goals. It is humanistic, holistic, value-laden, and sustainable. Thus, communication is the ultimate tool and facilitator towards development attainment.

In this time of the pandemic, DevCom’s role, as a field of study, a practice, an art, and science, then and now remains ever relevant and impactful and contributes to the growth and fostering of change in our society. DevCom continues in transitioning societies, especially the margins, towards better equality and fulfillment of human potential with the aim of improving human lives and communities. As a profession, it is beneficial, flexible, reliable, and versatile, with communication at a premium facilitating development. Development Communication is ever unique- a vocation, a calling of a lifetime commitment to service.

In addition, the courses I took during this semester were a bit heavy for me. I couldn’t keep up with everything since I lacked resources but some of those courses also made me realize what Development Communication really is for me. More than the core values of DevCom, the 4Es, I believe it’s more than that. Development Communication is more and I am more. I am for the people. I am for Development Communication.

Lastly, Development Communication is not a rejection but a redirection.

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