Still a long journey

Then and Now Self Assessment

Months before, when I am writing for Weekly Writes Number 3, I was able to choose Perseverance and Writing clearly and effectively as the asset of media writer. As time passes by, I realized that having all the qualities is crucial in becoming a credible media writer.

Skills Now

In terms of skills I have improved in Gathering the data and Proficiency in tools. This is due to the main reason that I don’t have the gadgets to maximize my potentials before. Also, the mobile data usage limit also hinders me on practicing and surfing whenever I want. On the other two, it’s not that I did not improved yet but I still know to myself that I can’t be with that perfect level for now.

Qualities Now

I have rated myself now a perfect score on the majority because I really feel that the exercises and activities in my devcom courses really shapes me on becoming a qualified media writer. However, I still cannot rate myself perfect in Intelligent, Loves to read, Service-oriented, and Interested in and loves people because to be honest I am still not that confident on the knowledge I have. Also, I am still lazy to read books. Yet, I am service-oriented but still I cannot consider myself as someone who belong on the level 5, add the fact that I am not that totally inclined with socializing.

All in all, this first semester in BS Development Communication in UPLB really shaped me into a better me. This is only the beginning of my journey in Devcom and I am willing to face all the challenges.

Into the unknown (SAIS)

Student Academic Information System also known as SAIS manages the records, schedule, classes, plans, and other relevant data of the University of the Philippines students. This system is new to my ears during my first few days before the beginning of the first semester and let me share to you my journey into the unknown.

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UP mail

Graphics for UP mail presentation

This is the gate towards the unknown. I am really lost on what to do by that time because I am newly added to the program and in a span of some days, the semester will begin. Waiting for the UP mail could really trigger your anxiety but gratefully, I received it the night before the beginning of the classes.

The unknown

Screenshot of SAIS

I am not familiar with SAIS but luckily, way before these struggles… I was added on a GC for Batch 2021 of Devcom students. In the GC, the uppers were so helpful and they even provide instructional videos, a write ups of step-by-step, and is accommodating the questions of my co-freshmen.

Class schedule on the day of classes

Screenshot of Class schedule

I can’t imagine my first day if ever all of those happened in a face-to-face mode of learning. I am still adjusting to the technologies and such because I am from a Modular class and having nothing but a phone with mobile data is beyond challenging. despite all of these, I was able to adjust gradually but it was far from easy.

Gentle Tip:

If you have the luxury of time or you have a free time, learn all the what ifs before entering UP. Because you are never ready enough here.

Laking Elbi Ako!

Title: Laking Elbi Ako!

Medium: AV Plug (Straight sell)

Type: Motivational

Length: 1 minute

Intended audience: Youth of Los Banos, Laguna

Learning Objectives: After viewing the AV plug, the audience should be able to:

  1. Promote Los Banos through some experiences of the youth.
  2. Recognize Los Banos through the narratives of those who grew up in Elbi.
  3. Share how it’s like to grow up and live in LB.


  • The AV plug will present some places in Los Banos, as well as introduce some youth together with their names and place of residence.
  • The AV plug will provide some narration of the youth on how it was like to be a “Laking Elbi”.
  • The AV plug aims to make the citizens of Los Banos, especially the youth, appreciate Los Banos as their home.

Speaking of Devcom 2021, matagumpay na naisagawa

Hello! The Weekly Writes 14 “Working on the news package” tasked us to prepare a news package for a specific college/university event and I chose the “Speaking of Devcom 2021: Conversation with Devcom’s Finest”.

The news package can be accessed here:

Access the Two column script here.

UPCA SSS: Aspiring UP student? Look at this!

Background photo via Pinterest. UP logo via University of the Philippines.

Are you an aspiring UP student like me before? Consider reading this and have a glimpse on how I became the UP student that I am now. Looking back on my journey, the University of the Philippines College Admission is one of the toughest decision and situation I faced. Discouraged? Doubting? Hesitant? Anxious? The UPCA SSS: Set, Survive, and Strength might help you!

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It was never easy to begin something especially if you don’t know where to start. You will feel lost, you will not know what to do, what to expect, what to prioritize… but one thing is for sure, you want to make your dreams come true.

  • Goal – if you are having a second thought whether to pursue UP or not… as early as the months before the Application, think of it already. You are never ready for anything. Weigh your priorities, your dreams, your current status, and the what ifs. Always keep in mind the “Whys” on being an aspiring UP student. Believe me, your goals? Aims? Inspiration? Motivation? These are crucial in the process of pursuing UP, so always keep that in your heart and mind.
  • Perseverance – in my case, I do not have any idea yet if the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) will be held or not. However, I reviewed for the exam. I bought reviewers— even created my own reviewers because I am not that confident on my knowledge… considering that I really have a hard time on learning and answering Mathematics related questions. It will always be hard, you just got to choose where you want to dedicate your hard work.
  • Patience – you will need a huge amount of patience as early as the admission process. The crashing sites? The input errors? The missing requirements? You name it! We all know that many students are aiming UP for college and maybe you are one of them? You want UP? Work for it several times more than you can. Have patience because you are just about to approach the gate.
  • Comply – if you passed through the application process? The preparation is just starting. You need to prepare yourself to whatever result there could be. As of this moment in my college admissions, I let things be. I think that if it is for me, it will be mine as long as I did my part and best. Again, just because you complied or applied does not mean that you will get it right away. Remember, you may pass and fail… prepare for the result.


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Beginning and ending, First and Last… those were too romanticized. These were as crucial as the process and journey we go through.

  • Acceptance – I was not able to get a spot for my first choice of course in my first campus choice. It was not easy to accept, of course. I cried a lot. I feel like I am a failure. I thought that I will not be able to apply for college in academic year 2021 – 2022. After that numerous breakdown and self-doubt, I realize that UP is not the only choice I have. I accepted the result and I stand again.
  • Opportunities – Upon the lesson I learned in the UPCA, I applied for other state Universities and got interviewed. With more passion and strength, I applied for my dream course that time… Psychology. Luckily, I got enlisted for the two Universities I enrolled and got my first choice of course. Here, I fully let go of the hopes I got in UP and is about to submit my requirement but an announcement came out.
  • Decision – Just when I thought that UP is not for me, a friend of mine approached me and asked me if I was interested to “recon” for a spot in UP. At first, I was hesitant because I am already settled with Psychology as my college course, considering that there is no BS Psych at UPLB. What a coincidence at that specific day when the University I applied at emailed me that I got a slot and just needed to pass my requirement when the schedule for interview in “recon” has arrived as well.


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It took so much strength to continue after that release of result. It took a lot of sacrifice for us to achieve something…

  • Bravery – It took me so much sleepless nights thinking whether to submit my requirement to the University I applied or risk one year or semester for a spot in BS Devcom program. I end up not submitting my requirements and wait for the result of “recon”. I risk it for the dream of my parents to have a UP student child.
  • Fate – I think it is not a luck that I was able to get a slot in BS Development Communication. Despite the hardships on the sudden adjustments and a bit of sadness since I was not able to take my dream course, I realize at that exact same situation that I am somehow for Devcom. From creating mini scripts since elementary for fun or classroom roleplays, dreaming of becoming a director, once upon aiming on taking Mass communication, and joining Journalism to pursue writing. It all make sense why Devcom.
  • Courage – Now that I am here at one of the most prestigious University in the country, I will stand against all odds to prove that I deserve the place I got. It was indeed not easy but that does not mean that you can’t. May the experiences and journey I have shared here serve as an inspiration for those aspiring UP students. It might look vague at first but it will someday make sense.
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Meant to be a mentor

Miss Veronica G. Mulinawe, a current Teacher II at Los Baños National High School – Batong Malake (LBNHS – BM) is a Devcom alumna at University of the Philippines – Los Baños. She was my English Teacher way back School Year 2018-2019 during my Grade 10th in LBNHS – BM. This is the time when I first dare to join an organization my whole life and she is one of my first mentors when it comes to journalism.

Profile picture of Ma’am Veronica on her FB account. Photo via Veronica Mulinawe Facebook account

The Bachelor of Science in Development Communication has a mantra of “Know your audience” which Ma’am Veron believes as a Devcom alumna. Together with the knowledge that UPLB has stilled on her, the motto influenced her on how she interacts and work with others. As interacting with different types of people from diverse walks of life is critical on her profession, being a teacher exposed her towards socializing with various people such as students, parents, and superiors.

Quoted from the statement of Ma’am Veronica Mulinawe when asked about her experiences as a Devcom alumna and how it shaped her.

Her teaching nature makes her capable of shaping great students, as well as writers. During our Journalism days, she was one of the mentors in “The Elbi Echo”. This official publication of LBNHS – BM together with “Ang Alingawngaw” trained numerous student journalist who represents their school in various competitions and make their school proud. She indeed is one of the reasons why her students were able to discover and enhance their potential.

Little did I know that this little background I know about my English teacher / Journ mentor could lead me to this situation where she will be my subject in my publication barely knowing that she is a Devcom alumna of UPLB. She is a straightforward type of mentor that will make you realize which specific part you need to work on. Also, she is a very vocal teacher on our class, she demonstrates stuffs for better understanding. I am not surprised why English subject was one of my favorite subjects back then even if she was eventually subbed by other teacher due to some change in schedule.

Quoted from the statement of Ma’am Veronica Mulinawe when asked about her experiences as a Devcom alumna and how it shaped her.

The way she gave back to the community through teaching is a very devcom act because she is more of like serving the country already. Imagine teaching and enhancing various type of students to make them realize their full potential is a game changer that a student need. She is on of the people that I am grateful for when it comes to my journey on Journalism, if she did not ask for new journalist that time… I would not be here further improving my writing skills. She is indeed meant to be a mentor!

Open this, Kiddo

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If I only I could send this to my younger self, I will not hesitate to do so. Having so many what ifs on the time that has passed by is somehow upsetting. These are my tips and pieces of advice for myself during the first days of my stay in Devcom:

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Don’t be carried away

During the first few days of classes, I am still to adjusting to my situation and I am pressured so much due to many reasons. Anxiety, pressure, and stress almost became normal to me that I already don’t consider the pains and unhealthy routines I have adapted. If I could go back to that time, I will tell myself that I must not be the one to make my situation harder.

Move now!

I have spent more than half of my time just worrying and whining about the stuffs I need to do and my situation. This leads to piled up academic works. My younger self really needs to move as early as the first day of classes. However, I am still not used to the set up so I understand. But, the younger me must move.

Appreciate your victories

Due to workload, I was not able to appreciate my efforts in surviving the first few days of my college life. I salute myself for overcoming the tasks without a stable and unlimited network as well a gadget aside from my phone. It was not easy and my younger self must be proud of herself.

You know yourself more than anyone

I cannot deny the fact that I was intimidated by everyone at first. I came to the point that I question everything I do and I considered my leisure time as unnecessary. I will be honest, I don’t trust myself that much and I always look down on myself. This is an unhealthy trait I have that I am still working on. My younger self could have been in an easier situation now if she started alleviating this behavior.

If it makes you happy, go for it!

I always have this feeling of being undeserving of everything that I have before. I have taken down so many opportunities to enjoy because I thought it is not the right thing to do. I forgot my happiness. Myself that time could have been happily doing her task if she knows that she is more worthy than everything she is doing.  

Dealing with my Devcom activities

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It is really frustrating when you start a task and in the middle of doing it, you suddenly feel lost. If you are experiencing this, you’re not alone. As a BS Development Communication student, it is crucial to make our works intact. This is why it is important to properly prepare yourself for your exercises. Here is how I prepare and deal with my Devcom tasks:

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Prepare yourself

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You cannot do your task well if you yourself is not well. When I need to do a Devcom activity, I really learn the importance of having enough sleep, meal, water intake, and time. I tend to observe the outcomes of my task when I am at a good state and when I am not, I am doing better if my body is good. Prioritize your studies but prioritize yourself more.

Review your task

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Having a preview of your exercise is important before doing it. You might consider reviewing the lectures and your notes as well. I mostly misinterpret activities by doing it right away. This is why it is important to review it first, understand what is needed, and know what should be done.

Create an outline

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In dealing with my Devcom activities, I see to it that I have my short outline before anything else. This is to make sure that my work will not be out of league when I finished it. Also. This could make your tasks comprehensive and organized. I always have my mini outline written down so that I won’t forget it in the middle of doing my tasks.

Keep it organized

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Outline itself is not enough to make your work organize, you must be mindful of the organization of ideas on the process of doing your exercise. This is because when I do my activities, I sometimes start it really well but in the middle of doing it, the thought suddenly became vague.


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Sometimes when we are about to begin our work, we forget the tendencies of grammatical errors, misplaced text and many other things. This is why I always remind myself as early as the preparation to revise, revise, and revise my works.

Upbeat your development beat!

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Identifying a specific development beat/topic to focus on is kind of hard at first. However, it takes enough weighing and analyzation to decide on which news beat you want. In the case of my Laboratory exercise, I chose the Youth Week of our Barangay. Before I end up with these, I go through many discussions with some friends and classmates as well as myself. Gratefully, my chosen topic fits on the training wheels of identifying development-oriented topics namely Sustainable Development Goals, CDC Values and Guiding Principles, and National and Community Issues/Concerns.

The SDGs

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Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030, the San AntonYouth Week 2021 falls on the Zero Hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality Education, and Peace, justice and strong institutions. This is due to the fact that the annual Youth Week was composed of the programs:

  • Nutri Almu Iwas Ambu – provides breakfast for the youth
  • Health and Hygiene Kit distribution – the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) of our Barangay provides alcohol, toothbrush, and other hygiene materials
  • HaysKolehiyo – distribution of online learning kits
  • Mobile Legends and Call of Duty Mobile eSports Tournament – substitute to physical contact sports
  • Voter’s Registration Campaign – helped the youth to register for the incoming elections

The 4Es

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The CDC Values and Guiding Principles (4Es) is composed of Empowerment, Equity, Entrepreneurship, and Environmentalism. Barangay San Antonio’s Youth Week 2021 covers the Equity and Empowerment. Since it involves a campaign for Voter’s registration, it facilitates a raise on social and political consciousness of the youth. In terms of Equity, the SK officials themselves distributes resources such as school supplies, nutritious meals, and health kits for the youth.

National and Community Issues/Concerns

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Philippine Youth Development Plan being the framework of all Sangguniang Kabataan project nationwide, the annual Youth Week encompasses our national and community concern especially on those part of the youth whom do not have an idea that there were numerous SK programs in which they could benefit. In addition, problems in hunger and education were given treatment as well.

Upbeat your Development beat

In choosing your topic especially when considering if it is development-oriented or not, see to it that it fits on the three aspect mentioned above. Also, as the Devcom mantra says, “Know thy audience,” always consider who will be your probable readers so that you won’t get lost in the middle of making your news story. Always look at the bigger picture. However, the big details you see is as important as the other details too… so make sure that you weigh things well. All these is for your development beat to be upbeat!

On gathering data: Truth shall prevail!

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In a short time, I was refreshed regarding the data gathering methods. From Observation, Retrieval, to Interview, I was able to apply my learnings. The data gathering techniques were useful in looking for credible sources for my Laboratory exercises. Here, I will present you my experiences and insights on conducting the different types of data gathering and how I reflect it on my DEVC11 Laboratory requirements.


Our first exercise in laboratory class involves crowdsourcing where you must ask for the response of your target audience to get their insights regarding your topic. In my case, the topic I chose was the Youth Week 2021 also known in our barangay as “San AntonYouth Week”. At first, I honestly struggled on picking a topic because I was afraid that it might be too broad or common but later on, I realized that this topic fits in the guidelines in choosing a development-oriented news beat. My first-hand experience in participating the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) project helped me on writing the news story as I personally know how it goes and the benefits it provides.

In this data gathering method, I was able to compile responses of various beneficiaries of the program. I realized how crucial their consent is, how to deal with data privacy act, and more importantly, this technique on gathering data reveal how much I need to broaden my connections.


List of some of the files I submitted on DEVC11 Exercise 1

On looking for credible sources online, I personally had a hard time on choosing which should be used and not. There were various files about my topic, however, they almost present the same idea. This is why it is important to weigh the relation of the gathered sources in the content you wish to generate. I chose the sources which will really be used on my news story because there could be so many works related but you got to pick only those you need.


Photo of Maryrose Alingasa’s video recording with Hon. Mark Anthony Ramos

This data gathering aspect made me nervous the most. I was too anxious from not getting a response from the official I need to interview. It took a follow-up before I was able to set the interview. What is crazier on this experience is that, as soon as I was able to reach SK Chairman Mark Anthony Ramos, he just asked for some minutes and the interview started. Considering the fact that the request for interview was freshly followed up, I thought he will set a meeting days after the confirmation but I was wrong. The lesson I have learned from this experience, you need to be ready anytime because you never know when your chance will come. Thankfully, I was able to execute the interview properly and everything goes well.

Truth shall prevail

In every scholarly and public content that we do, we shall always be on the side of the truth and fact. As a media writer in training, as early as now, I need to practice honesty and show dignity in every work I do. The exercises that challenged me on applying my learnings on data gathering is a great stepping stone for my next tasks. I still need to learn more and I am willing to work hard for it.

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