Time to turn the page of the book!

They say that time flies so fast.

I could not believe that I was close to finishing my last entry for our Weekly Writes. Writing this made me look back on the ounce of emotional breakdowns, few hours of sleep, uncertainties, celebrating small wins, and endless writing I have done. Now, I am assessing how I have grown throughout the process.

For Week 3, we are assigned to rate ourselves to the capabilities towards the qualities and skills of a Media Writer we perceived based on our competence and expertise. I experienced highs and lows throughout the semester, which made me stronger to improve and learn from my breakthroughs.

Attached below is my past self-rating for the Qualities of a Media Writer:

And after one semester, I was able to improve some of my weaknesses, enhance my capabilities, and continuously learn along the process.

Updated Self-Rating:

All of the learnings I met a few months ago made me appreciate how our degree make a massive difference in making our society a better place. I realized that through writing, we could be an instrument of knowledge and awareness to those in need. It inspired me to know what the subsequent semesters await for us.

Attached below is my past self-rating for the Skills of a Media Writer:

For this part, I had a crucial time assessing whether I improved a lot. I am knowledgeable that our past lessons were an instrument in introducing us to different ways to immerse ourselves in being confident and literate towards writing. With all our activities and exercises, both in lecture and laboratory sessions, I became more confident in gathering data with always carrying the idea of comparing the levels of accuracy and depth.

Updated Self-Rating:

As a freshman Development Communication student, I would not deny that this semester has been challenging and tested my belief in myself. But looking back on the days I thought I would not make it made me proud of how I became stronger to continue running amidst the uncertainties and bad days as I finish this weekly writes.

These are the three values DevCom taught me until the end. It taught me that as much as we study to be a helping hand to society, it also teaches us to be compassionate, kind and to have the opportunity to discover more of ourselves.

The end of the semester signifies that as beginners in the degree, they are yet things to come and explore. Nevertheless, we will continue to aspire and hope to surpass all the battles as an Isko and Iska ng Bayan, bringing the same dream and dedication when we first pass in the institution.

Tara sa Munti! :)

After watching the AV Plug, the viewers should be able to:

  1. Enumerate the famous landmarks of Muntinlupa City
  2. Promote the beauty and historical cultures of the community


Some clips of the video: 

Muntinlupa City Drone Footage – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CiB8…

Sunrise Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys1w9A4DrO4

Sunset Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1M6jHcRrlM


BBI BBBI by IU (Instrumental) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PlRX…

Enjoy Watching!

SAIS, kaya ba today?

It is a four-letter word usually known as a number but for us UP students, it is a website that embarks as our first encounter in being a legitimate part of the university and, I guess, a site that drains our patience.

Being a freshman, I could still vividly remember how we waited for weeks before receiving our Gmail credentials. But when I first heard of SAIS, I knew that it would be another round of the waiting game and a massive amount of patience.

If you were to ask me how was my first SAIS experience, I would not hesitate to answer that it is a cycle of refreshing the website — restoring to the point that I already offer a small prayer before clicking the refresh button again. My close friend, also from the university, told me that I should divert my attention to other things because it will undoubtedly take a long time until we manage to enter the website.

Phone, Laptop, Computer. These are the three devices that I tried using, but none made it successfully enter the website. I console myself with the thought that there are a lot of students accessing SAIS, causing it to have online traffic and that my time would come too.

The idea that comforts me is that other students can not access it yet, and I am not alone in the journey. But when my close friend had already accessed her account, that is when I started manifesting a lot. I got worried because classes were nearing, and many thoughts had already come into my mind thinking of the possible hassles I could encounter if I did not know my schedule yet.

But finally, before the clock struck 12, I was able to get to the site and initially rummaged through the contents it contained. I explored the whole website and found where the class schedule locates.

After knowing the class schedule, my Gmail has already started popping notifications, and that is when I knew the classes were about to start.

My first SAIS experience might not be the smoothest experience, unlike others. Still, I took it as a preparation for the coming semester where we would be the ones to add to cart our subjects manually and be aware that SAIS will test my patience, AGAIN.

Amidst being one of the things a UP student hates, I believe that one’s journey would not be complete without being done to the website and be disheartened to try it all over again.

This coming enrollment, I have already manifested that the universe would be with me as I access the SAIS and hope to acquire my desired number of units successfully. It is just the start of my stories with SAIS, and I hope that we will be on good terms until the end.

A DevCom practitioner is a life changer.

Lourdes Margarita Caballero is a woman who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Science in Development Communication at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. With an MA in International Affairs, and studied Communication and Development Studies at Ohio University, USA.

She is a development communication and knowledge management specialist with almost 18 years of experience designing and implementing communication strategies and developing products with knowledgeable technical experts from Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

In 2017, she completed a five-year project as a communication and public awareness specialist for an Asian Development Bank and Global Environment facility funded. GEF funded regional and technical assistance on coastal and marine resources management in the coral triangle. She supervised the preparation, design, and production of 42 knowledged products and communication materials for stakeholders in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Other outputs she made are videos, project lessons and reports, and blogs. She has been in charge of communication campaigns, learning events, developing content for project websites, blogs, and preparing articles for publication in online news outlets.

Now, she is a full-time Senior Technical Services Officer at PRIMEX Consulting.

Our alumni shared that initially, Development Communication was just her “fallback” decision. She was honest that she was not fully knowledgeable about DevCom when she first entered the university. She holds onto that her mother told her that photography is in this degree. But her first choice was Broadcasting Communication at the University of the Philippines Diliman, a quota course. Along the way, she realized that Development Communication is the perfect fit for her because of her love and passion for communication and the happiness it brings in uplifting people’s lives.

When she was still studying, her primary definition of success as a development communication student was in a high-ranking international agency position. Many more, but all of her initial perceptions vanished when she joined a particular program as a student facilitator in a new “Literacy Training Service” for NSTP by the person she called “Kuya Romel.” According to her, the overall experience was life-changing. She was ultimately grateful that she was invited and was able to get a new perspective that the world of communication is vast and many individuals are also great at communicating. Even though she has technical experiences, the people she witnessed in the event were more engaging.

In that event, she realized DevCom itself can not save the world on its own and learned that development is indeed multi-disciplinary and not one-sided. She understood that working hand in hand could help the people and the world can come as one.

After graduation, she participated in one program in AAP (Affirmative Action Project) in Negros Occidental, encouraged again by her friend, “Kuya Romel.” Their goal was to help some high school students from public schools prepare for hurdling for UPCAT. Amidst the short time, two students were able to pass the examinations. According to her, it was a mixture of happiness and sadness because even in a short time, they were able to help some students to pass. Yet, another realization knocked on her with the inequality that they could have helped more students and not just people who called last minute if only they were informed right away. But with this encounter, DevCom made her know the directions she wanted to partake in her life.

She worked for a non-profit sector in communication for a social change consortium. The highlight of this experience is when she went to Rwanda to document the experiences of women who got HIV and were victims of genocide. It is a life event where she understood more the significance of talking and understanding where people are coming from. And with genuine communication, it can stand as an instrument in healing broken heartedness and an opportunity to promote solidarity. She reiterated that when you come to a place, you must have a vision of what help you should offer and construct your knowledge.

The most important lesson I learned from her is that as a future DevCom practitioner, there are still a lot of things yet to learn and discover, and stereotypes to break.

Why it pays to wait.

I believe that we have different stories about our UPCA journey, but allow me to share this milestone with you, which taught me that it always pays to wait.

July 15, 2021, is the most awaited day for most of the students in the Philippines, mainly those applicants who applied to the premiere and top university of the country, the University of the Philippines. Finally, after how many months, we can now know the results of whether we passed on our dream universities or not.

A little back story, my brother’s birthday was on July 16 until he decided to celebrate last July 15, the same day that UP will release their results. There is a thought at the back of my mind hoping that I would pass to be a double celebration and a historic day. But I was wrong.

Upon logging on my UPCA credentials, my sisters are beside me, encouraging me that they are still proud of me, whatever the results may be. I opened my eyes and saw the result with trembling hands and a restless heart. I received a “Thank You” result, which means I did not pass any of my chosen campuses and courses. For a minute, I was blank. I am trying not to cry and fully grasp the reality while looking at the message and my UPG. My sisters kept telling me that the fight wasn’t over yet, and there was still a chance for me to enter my dream university. But in all honesty, none of those voices entered my system at that moment. And suddenly, I just saw myself searching “UPLB Reconsideration Program.”

I would not deny that I was sullen and heartbroken weeks after the results were out. But I kept my heart and faith strong to believe that I did not reach this far to give up.

July 19, 2021, the University of the Philippines released its announcement about the cutoffs for appeals in each UP system. As a person who is still dedicated, I emailed those systems right away where my UPG was qualified and received the same response saying that there are still not accepting appeals for reconsideration.

UPLB was my first choice. That is why I decided to pursue no longer apply to other systems. Until July 19, 2021, UPLB finally released their waitlist application guidelines, which shocked everyone because of some changes in last year’s process. An applicant must be chosen Los Banos as their first choice of campus, and if not, they are not capable of applying for the program. Luckily, LB was my first choice of campus because I know that this is the home of Development Communication.

Fast forward, I applied again for an application with the same first choice of degree. I waited for how many weeks until the college of DevCom emailed me to answer a form that would allow them to know more about me. But that doesn’t stop there, two days after they emailed me again for a virtual interview with the Development Communication faculty.

August 24, 2021, at 3 PM, was my schedule for an interview, and I am seriously sweating some buckets. I finished it with half confidence and half nervousness, but the anxiety came again after realizing that now I am just waiting for the results.

August 30, 2021, was the day UPLB released the results. The website is not functioning yet, so I decided to take a bath first. But my sister started bombarding our family group chats saying, “OKAY NA YUNG OWAS!.” As I went out of our comfort room, my older sister started shouting, “NAKAPASA KA! NAKAPASA KA!.” and I was speechless. I could not express in words how happy I was that day.

But the agony is far from over; the day after the results were out, UPLB released a statement saying that they would be reposting the results, and applicants were encouraged to check the results, AGAIN. The anxiety it brought to me was not a joke, but thankfully, It only stated that those applicants who confirmed their slots no longer need to verify their acceptance again.

A few weeks later, I was finally enrolled and got to meet new people alongside attending various freshman events. Who knows that I would be able to fight all those dilemmas?. Even I was surprised and still can’t accept that I am now a student of the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Here are some quick tips about Reconsideration Program from my experienced:

No one knows when a particular UP system would release its announcements. That is why it is better to wait and wait until they post the guidelines and qualifications.

As an applicant, it is your responsibility to check if there is an update about the start of the application and follow their social media accounts. Also, knowing their email address will help you address the concerns and questions you have.

For this year, there are different qualifications an applicant must follow before applying to a particular degree. It is always better to read and understand the amendment given by the university to ensure that they will entertain your appeal for reconsideration.

One reality about the reconsideration program is that there is no certainty and assurance that they will pass you. You have to level up your game, especially in the interview segment, because the faculty are trying to see how dedicated you are to the course and campus. But on the other side, you should also consider other schools to enter because, in my experience, some universities have already started their academic year. Yet, I am still applying for reconsideration, but I have already set a university in my mind whether I would not pass for the second time around. It is not harmful to have an option or Plan B that you can choose if the results are unfavorable.

It is the most important tip I can share with you because when I tried applying for the program, I gave it all myself. I saw a lot of applicants whose UPG is better than mine but got scared by the waiting game and possible unfavorable results in the end. I advise you to bring enough patience and courage because the reconsideration program is not easy, and it will never be. That is why when you are qualified to do so, grab it and fight it with all your all. It might be one of the decisions you will regret not taking in the future.

In the end, the reconsideration program taught me to endure the pain and waiting game because the ultimate happiness, in the future, is worth it. It is a story that I would never get tired of looking back because I became stronger and tightly held on to my aspiration and became the first Iska in the family. Along the way, I realized that delayed dreams can still be reached.

This is just a little inspiration; the person who interviewed me is now my professor in one of my major subjects this semester. It is a reminder for you not to be disheartened and believe that you can do it too!.

Be kind to your mind.

Being a freshman, our “first” would always be memorable. Just like when we finally received our Gmail credentials, SAIS experience, attended various events, discovered organizations, received our schedules, found our “superclassmates,” met new people are indeed some of the memories that will surely be one for the books amidst online learning. Some of us are fully excited for the first day of classes, but there are also half excited and nervous at the same time. And I am one of them.

Like I said in the previous entry, I entered the university with only a courageous heart that aims to fight all the odds amidst all the dilemmas I could face. But as I write this weekly write, I wish I brought more.

Here are some five tips I wish I could have given my old self during the first day of classes:

When our seniors joke about advanced reading, I do not usually take it seriously. But along the way, I hope I handled it thoughtfully. Reading here, reading there. It is a cycle of reading, understanding, and writing which completed the first half of the experience of being a development communication student. I wish I had utilize more time to read our lecture materials rather than characterizing the Mañana habit and thought there would always be weekends. If only I had done an advanced reading beforehand, I might be more confident in doing our assessments and not wasting my time understanding and reading it all numerous times continuously instead of finishing confidently.

I have always been an outgoing and adventurous person, but when college hit me, I felt like all the shyness in the world was transferred to me. I wish to tell my old self never to hesitate in shooting my classmate’s inbox to ask for academic purposes. My siblings always scold me to never be shy in approaching people because college is consist of various people, and there will always be someone the same of my spectrum and likes. Also, asking your professor for questions and concerns is a big yes in ensuring that I fully understand the overall lectures and is confident in doing our task. I realized that my shyness would bring me nowhere. In the middle of the journey, I decided to carefully get out of my box in baby steps.

Looking at my “to do” list is enough to make me sullen and stop functioning for a while. I never thought that backlogs could be this painful to consider, especially during these past holidays where most of my family had the best time of their lives eating and drinking. Yet, I am inside of our study room trying to finish some of my school work near its deadline. I wish to tell my past self to never take time for granted, especially deadlines because these have been in my mind while eating our prepared food for the holidays. Procrastinating has never been good, and I hope I will not bring this aspect to the following semesters.

When I first attended my classes in September, I thought that it would take a long time before our professors gave us a task, but I was wrong. Some of our professors have already instructed us on activities that we should do and prioritize. The old Marga always thinks that time is in her hands and continuously having the best of her life, not thinking of the activities she should be doing. I wish to tell her that she must be knowledgeable of the precedence and amount of reading materials she should be reading instead of scrolling in social media applications. But at the same time, I wish I have told myself to be kinder in my mental health. Backlogs might be stressful, but I deserve to rest, too. Being more aware of my emotions and taking care of myself must always be a priority amidst the school work I must do.

College would never be easy. Adapting to online classes is not facile, but we must learn and adapt. I wish to tell my old self that the journey is consist of rocky roads, unstable emotions, ruined mental health, unproductivity, fewer hours of sleep, and many more, but these are not enough to stop and give up. I hope that I have prepared myself more in the beginning that life events would test my beliefs in my capabilities and eventually get lost. That there would be a time where I should have trusted more of my competence and skills rather than believing that I have already met the possibilities of becoming a better student, a better individual.

But all in all, these experiences molded me to be the person I am today. There might be regrets that I should have known more and better, but life always gives us a chance to learn from our mistakes and be a better version of ourselves through reflecting on our omissions. I hope that you have learned from these tips and as early as today, stop practicing the habit of procrastinating and be mindful of the time you have in your hands. I know that each of us is suffering and has our coping ways but I want you to know that your progress matters, no matter how slow or fast you have been running. It is not a harm to be little kinder to yourself. Let us all be kind to our minds.

Kaya pa? Kaya.

A simple yet powerful phrase made me look back on the feelings and perceptions when my “to do” list started to fill more than I expected it to be. We are tasked to showcase five things to remember in preparing for our Development Communication activities and share some of our experiences for today’s weekly writes.

Here are some tips for characterizing in ensuring that you are keeping your eyes on track in doing your responsibilities in DevCom:

College would never be easy. It is a reality I am still trying to learn in my almost three months stay in the University of the Philippines – Los Baños. There would be a time where the load of school work is way too overwhelming, and deadlines continues to pile up. I learned to be organized towards the responsibilities as a student and be aware of each activity that we have to do. I have this notebook where I put all of my “to do” lists, and it helps me know the school works that I have to do. Setting a timetable has also been effective in knowing what I should prioritize first and being reminded of it now and then.

It is the most pivotal thing a development communication student must instill in its study habits. I always ensure that I bring a pen and paper in our synchronous classes because this helps me to be more focused and away from social media distractions. It is advisable because there are times where our professor adds additional information that is not included in our reading materials or recorded lectures. But most importantly, you can always look back on these notes as a guide to understand the lessons better and apply the comprehension we learned in our activities.

Doing our first batch of exercises made me learn about the time when I am most productive. It is a reality that we do not feel productive throughout the day and acknowledging when my mind functions the most assists me in gathering my thoughts first before I do an assessment. Also, recorded lectures and reading modules have been my companion in exploring more of our course where we can watch it every time we want and even eat while listening. Practicing these two habits made me aware of the lessons I input in our activities and shared the address wholeheartedly I have learned and, at the same time, my experiences as well.

With all of the output I have made, being wary of the deadlines has taught me that I should never be complacent about the massive amount of available time given to us in doing our school work. I learned that time management is my friend in balancing responsibilities as a student and living life. it is always better to plan when I would be doing an activity and offer ample time to do this far from the deadline. I would not deny that I have been procrastinating this semester but learning from this event gave me a perspective to never take time for granted.

This ideas has been my mantra in doing all of our activities in devcom courses. I taught myself that acknowledging that I am culture-shocked and that college is hard is the key to knowing that I am now in a new chapter of my life. Trusting my pace and prioritizing my progress has been fulfilling to realize that I am learning a new part of myself as a development communication student. I have learned that I won’t be falling behind by allowing myself to rest and be hopeful that I can always be better and try again.

They always say that the beginning is always the hardest. I learned to take things one at a time and allow myself to be better while continuously learning from all the assessments we have done so far. Patting myself in the back every time I accomplish a specific school work has been a ceremony celebrating my small wins as a struggling freshman. I am ending this one with a reminder to appreciate your progress and be kind to yourself, always.

Kung hindi ngayon, kailan pa?

Since the elections are just around the corner, I have decided to focus on youth political empowerment to know how knowledgeable and aware the young people are today towards the future leaders that we would be voting for and to the future state of our country years from now. It was interesting because I have seen firsthand how the youth are being involved nowadays in being educated for the betterment of our society and how their perceptions become a collective voice towards choosing the right person to elect.

I have chosen this particular beat because I wanted to know more about why the youth are more eager to vote, especially amid the pandemic on how they witnessed the government respond to the problem of COVID – 19 and other existing dilemmas that happened within these years. It inspired me to choose this topic because I know to myself that I would not just enjoy finding primary sources on how vital the role of youth in society is but at the same time it would teach me a lesson or two.

As I put flesh onto the bones of information, I have seen some people categorize that youth have already lost their interest in politics and are not interested in engaging themselves in any political programs. I became sad about it because they are losing hope for a better tomorrow, not just for themselves but also for those in the marginalized sectors. To care for the country is the same as aiming for a comfortable life for those stolen with equity and deserved attention. With this exploration, I became motivated to know factors that pushed them not to immerse for our country and the possible participation that we can adhere in teaching them that it is not too late to open their eyes and see the reality of our community.

I was able to open new doors of knowledge as I continuously progressed in doing our laboratory and realized how significant our factors is in voting this coming election. It is fulfilling that what I am conducting is timely and essential to ensure that the youth are awake with societal problems and would utilize their rights to choose a leader that would not worship its position but listen to the voices of the people.

My mom would continually educate us that I should fight for something if I knew that I was in the proper position. I wanted to propose this same idea in this laboratory not just for the sake of a “requirement” but to enlighten that as Filipino citizens, we must be knowledgeable that we should know better now and be aware that it is in our hands on how our future generations will be years from now.

Lastly, an important choice that we would be partaking today would result in a tomorrow where each Filipino is being heard and our hopes will continue to grow and prosper.

Worth the Struggle.

It is the question I told myself upon knowing that we are about to do our first laboratory exercise in Introduction to Media Writing for Development Laboratory Class. In all honesty, I was intensely nervous at first because I knew deep inside of me that this activity embarked on our first task as development communication students that would show the skills and potentials that we learned during our lecture classes. I must say that the whole experience has had its ups and downs, but as I nervously clicked the “submit” button, I knew it was worth the struggle. Below are the following insights that I experienced during the data gathering:

Before anything else, I want to say that the UPLB Main Library was a lifesaver. I was amazed that it has many resources that helped me put important information towards my chosen topic. Even though we are allowed to search with trusted websites, I would not deny that the library was my main companion in putting together all of the knowledge I have gained throughout the process.

If I were to elaborate on some problems that I encountered in this part, it would be the times where I am overwhelmed with the amount of information that I read online. There are a lot of details that made me question if it would be helpful towards the main idea or will it just be repetitive information. Also, I have learned in our lecture class that it is vital to vary the degree of relevance of the information and decide whether it would assist in building up the data or introduce a new idea that will confuse the viewers. At the end of it, I learned that we should first assess which information would be significant and give the topic its body of insight.

It is the part that I believe made me aware of how long my patience was. I am already aware that the response to my invitation for an interview would take a while because I am trying to contact the public office. After several weeks had passed, and I had not yet received any response from them, I decided to call their hotline instead and gladly earned an acknowledgement. Thankfully, the person I am in contact with is kind and approachable to update about the the availability of the office head. With this, I was able to conduct the interview and sincerely gather consequential information that truly helped me know more about the topics I chose. She was the head office of the Youth and Sports Development Office in our community. Her insights about youth made me believe that many people support and root for young people to be an instrument of hope and a future for a better tomorrow.

Conducting the interview made me realize that we are bound to learn from each other. It taught me that expert people are there to share their knowledge and bring forth the relevance of their expertise to others. Their mastery in different fields becomes a contributing factor towards the development of our society.

In this part, I was able to recognize how the youth are being politically engaged nowadays through social media and other platforms to educate themselves towards the preparation for the coming elections and examine properly who the people would be running. I have seen numerous programs by the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) and Youth and Sports Development Office (YASDO) in our community, which propose youth empowerment towards the young generation in Muntinlupa City.

In conclusion, I learned that to initially be politically engaged, we must first be vigilant and know the ordinances of our community. This piece of advice from my interviewee stayed in my system that I would surely bring with me as I continue to educate myself with political participation. I learned that we must teach ourselves to be knowledgeable of our rights and freedom to choose, especially in selecting a leader that will give light to our country and people’s lives.

Mga bagay na gagabay sayo!

Almost two months ago, I stepped into a new world where I knew nothing. The only thing that I have brought with me is my passion and dedication for Development Communication. I am knowledgeable that it is already an assumption that being in a communications degree would require tons of writing with endless drafts and revision incorporated into it. Being a student who is only comforted with the default applications that I have used in my past online classes made me learn about the tools and applications that helped our upperclassmen in their writing classes.

For this week’s entry, we interviewed some of our courageous seniors who fought all the odds and struggled both face-to-face classes and online learning on the tools and applications that helped them in their writing classes. Having this opportunity made me learn that there are many things that I have yet to learn and discover. Listed below are some of the instruments that helped them:

Shifting to online learning made us familiar with digital applications that we can easily use online. But the presence of pen and paper is still highly utilized to make things done and easier to organize. It is where we usually jotted down our notes for us to remember certain information not included in the given reading materials. Some of our upperclassmen said that these two are the fundamental tools in their writing classes. Also, I can personally attest to this where I can not attend classes without a notebook that would help me list down reminders and notes.

Write, write, write. It is a continuous practice for development communications students to familiarize themselves with endless writing as early as now. One application that saved the lives of many is Grammarly, where our grammars and word structures are improved. Talking with our upperclassmen also made me discover how much this application assisted them most, especially this online learning. Speaking from my own experience, I was not that knowledgeable before that there are grammar tools, but as a DevCom student, now pushed me to explore Grammarly as much as possible because this is indeed a lifesaver from drafting our grammar.

Switching from face-to-face classes to online learning is not easy. There are a lot of factors that we have to consider and introduce to ourselves in managing online courses every day. A laptop is such an essential tool for writing classes that it help us draft our outputs and create various documents that can help us organize our thoughts and ideas before making the final paper. I believe that this is the essential gadget a student could have towards their writing classes because it has a lot of uses not just attending our synchronous sessions but also in finishing our school works.

Just like the usage of laptop, cellular phones are also a helpful gadget that helps the students towards their writing classes easier in a way it allows them to search online. Various applications can be easily accessed and downloaded as a tool for writing drafts and finishing schoolwork. Reality speaking, it is the gadget most students use either for their entertainment or school-related activities.

Google meet and Zoom are the two typical online meeting applications that every student is attending nowadays. Our upperclassmen said that these two helped them attend classes, but it is also a platform where they can conduct virtual interviews for assessments. These applications help mold the body of their writing classes as a data-gathering feature in communicating with expert people online.

Hearing these from them made me aware of how to utilize each of the tools they have answered. Also, the role of technology in certain gadgets taught me that they became a huge contributing factor on how students are handling their writing classes today. Nevertheless, some of the tools that we use personally are also a reminder that we should always look back on our traditional writing materials as a way of starting to write.

Most importantly, we write because we want the presence of words to send across a lesson towards other people. It is the realization that I have continuously perceived in my almost two months in college. I have realized that writing is a potent tool to inform people and be instrument of knowledge upon them. Undoubtedly, writing would never be easy, and it takes a lot of preparation to characterize the entire body of work. Still, nothing beats the feeling of learning and discovering new things every single time. Allowing myself to learn from other people is also a way to see things differently than just mine.

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