Just the beginning

This semester was overwhelming and now, we are at the last week. I was so focused on accomplishing the tasks that I did not notice the dates. Time went by quickly but still, it was a long journey. Many memories, lessons, and experiences were made. In week 3, we were assigned to assess ourselves regarding the skills and qualities of a media writer, and this week, our task was to look back on that week and compare the changes that occurred. Throughout the journey, I learned a lot and these were the improvements that I experienced.

Compared to my skills during week 3, I was able to organize information, write clearly and effectively much better. Each week, I had to squeeze my brain to create a decent essay, and doing this repeatedly really improved my skills. Before I had a hard time making my introduction statement but compared to now, I am able to see through the flow of my story. The information has a seamless transition and the main idea is maintained up until the end. I tend to drift away from the center topic but all the lessons made me aware of what I was doing wrong.

As for the qualities, nothing changed much but I was able to enhance being resourceful, imaginative, intelligent, and being curious. The topics piqued my interest so I became more curious about what the store has for me. These improvements may seem little but for me, it is a huge step. I have been avoiding essays and books ever since because I did not believe in my skills. But these little improvements are my first step for more improvements to come.

I know that compared to my classmates I am far behind, but I will try to catch up with them. I will treat them as my motivation to keep pushing forward. The process is exhausting and hard but after three months of hard work, it has bear fruit. There is still a lot of improvement for myself and I am still practicing because this is just the beginning. There are many more essays to come and challenges to overcome. I hope that I will not lose this motivation but rather, become more inspired in my Dev Com years.

Pangit talaga yang SAIS

I asked my brother, “ano yung SAIS? Kailangan pa ba nun? May ganoon pala sa UP.”

Wala yan pangit talaga yang SAIS na yan

The first time I heard about the student academic information system (SAIS) was from the chats of my old classmates/friends who received their emails first. I thought about the number 6 because it was the Espanyol term. I had no idea what was its purpose so I did not bother understanding it. My UP mail was sent late and while I was waiting, my friends kept on struggling and finding ways to access their SAIS. I was starting to get nervous because what if my SAIS also encountered an error? I kept on checking my email to see if I already received my account details and whether I can access my SAIS or not.
My UP mail was sent late at night and I readily tried to find my schedule but I did not know my way so I was unfortunate in finding it. I seek help from my friends and told me that it was available at the SAIS, “Ah para ron pala yung SAIS”. I was excited to see my schedule but then, SAIS encountered a problem and I was unable to access it. I was shocked and afraid that I would miss out on my first classes, I searched the internet for ways on how to access the SAIS. While I was finding a solution, there were many freshmen who were experiencing the same problem, and just like me, they were also clueless about how to fix it and what it was. I tried restarting my computer, restarting the router, using a different browser, accessing it through a VPN, but none worked. I stayed late at night hoping that it would suddenly let me in. I kept on struggling and was starting to get stressed out so I slept and woke up early instead so I can check it before class started.

I was relieved when I knew that there were no Monday classes but still, I was afraid for my Tuesday classes. Thankfully the professors emailed us whenever we would have a meeting so there was no trouble in getting absent. But I was unsure if ever I would miss a class and I hated being unorganized and waiting with uncertainty. My patience was running out so I emailed UP and waited. But after 2 days, there was still no progress so I emailed a different staff. Thankfully, they replied immediately so I knew that the problem was gonna get fixed.

The experience was memorable in the note that it was not a happy one. That first week was so stressful instead of it being exciting. The unfortunate event depleted my motivation and I felt somewhat angry with the SAIS. My brother is already an alumnus but still, the SAIS is not yet fixed and freshmen are still struggling with it. Instead of a welcoming experience, the students are clueless about what is happening. I also did not like the interface of SAIS because even if I was able to access it, I was still unable to navigate through it. There were no introductions and guides to what SAIS is and if I did not have my friends and brother, I could not have understood what was going on. Hopefully, they will be able to fix the errors so no freshmen will be able to experience the same misfortune all other freshmen encountered.

Okay lang tumigil ng isang taon

University of the Philippines, a prestigious school that most wants to enroll in, but also the reason why it is hard to get accepted. At first, I was afraid because I knew that I will have many competitors and that I must score high in the entrance exam but because of the pandemic, there was a change of plan. Here is my journey in getting accepted to UP.

When I was in grade 11, I was undecided about what course to undertake but I knew that I wanted to enter in either University of Santo Tomas or University of the Philippines. I knew that there will be a lot of competition so I had to prepare and during the summer of grade 11, I enrolled in a review center. I studied hard to ensure a high grade in the entrance exam but suddenly, a pandemic happened. Everyone’s plans were disrupted to prevent the danger of getting the COVID virus and since entrance exams were dangerous, universities had to cancel them and moved to assessing the high school grades instead. I was shocked because the money spent for the review center was senseless but at the same time, I felt relieved. I was nervous to take the entrance exam because I had no faith in my capabilities however, my grades during gr 7 to 11 were all high so all that was left was my grade 12 scores.
Going into grade 12, I was still unsure of what course to take as well as university. At the same time, my motivation to study also depleted but I still pushed myself so I can enroll in the universities that I like. Grade 12 happened so quickly and with just a blink of an eye, I was seeing myself applying to different universities. I wanted to study in either UST or UP but I also enrolled in TIP because I was unsure of which courses to take so I gave myself options. However, I still prioritized filling up the applications for UP and UST and while I was undergoing the TIP application, I felt unmotivated and did not continue enrolling in it. So I only applied for 2 schools, UP and UST and all that was left to do was wait for the results.
The release date for UST was April 12, 2021, while for UP was July 15, 2021. Among the two universities, I wanted UP more because it is free, and it felt like I had more perks when I graduate from UP. Weeks passed and I got accepted in UST, but there was a problem, since the release of results for UP was months late from UST, I had to decide. Because if I did not accept UST and my slot gets removed, and later on, I did not pass UP, I will have no university to enroll in. It was a tough decision so I asked the opinion of my parents to help me choose but they just told me that they will accept whatever decision I will make. I was afraid of letting go of UST but I really wanted UP because of its perks and there was no tuition fee, unlike UST which is expensive. I reflected on myself and looked back at my grades, I felt like I will pass UP, I was confident with my scores so I did it, I forfeited my slot and hold on to UP hoping that I will get accepted. Through the weeks of waiting, I was nervous and every night, I had a hard time sleeping because I kept thinking about whether I will pass or not but I had no choice. “Bahala na kung ano mangyari ‘pag hindi pumasa, edi tigil na lang muna.”

And the day has come, July 15, the day for releasing the results in UP. During the day before that, UP announced that the releasing of results will be in alphabetical order, to not lag the servers. Since I am letter “S”, I was assigned 2 p.m. but 7 a.m. that day, mama woke me up and told me, “Cinth wala na raw alphabetical order p’wede mo na agad makita”. I was shocked because I expected it to be later on that day. The waiting was now over and there was it, I got accepted. All the nervousness that I had in me was released and that moment of relief was the greatest feeling ever. The feeling of getting accepted in UP was different on so many levels compared to UST, I have never felt that happy. The experience was new to me and I did not know what it feels like to get accepted into a school because ever since I have been studying in OLPS (my old school) from pre-school to grade 12. I instantly thought about, “kung tinanggap ko yung sa UST, hindi ako makakapasok sa UP ngayon”.

If I did not take that risk, I am not here right now sharing this story but here I am because I had the courage. Even if there was a downside, one-year stopping cannot compare against the years and memories that I will gain in UP. Always remember your goal, there will be challenges facing you in your goal but that is to be expected. Have courage and take risks, because no matter what is the result, the process enables us to grow and come back stronger. Look back on why you started your journey and what you wanted to achieve because that will be your motivation.

Tatak UPLB

Photo credit from Radyo DZLB Ang Tinig ng Kaunlaran Facebook page

Ms. Mary Joie C. Cruz is a BS Development Communication Alumna class of 2014. She is currently the owner of Limitless lab, an agency that she instituted that is focused on communication and innovation. Limitless lab teaches public servants how to really understand their stakeholders and how to come up with better policies and better programs through the process called design thinking. The basic principle of design thinking is empathy which is somewhat similar to knowing your audience however, empathy work is a much deeper understanding. “It is like creating a thesis when doing it at Limitless lab,” she said. She and her team assist in many ways such as coaching teams, conducting design thinking workshops for national government agencies and local government units, and doing international design thinking facilitation. Design thinking is aligned with development communication but before Ms. Joie Cruz became a practitioner of design thinking, let us look at her Dev Com journey that enabled her to achieve all these things.

Photo credit from Limitless lab website

During her freshman year, she was undertaking the course Communication arts and she never thought about Development communication. She excelled in editing videos so she dreamed of becoming a film director however, com arts was not satisfying her interest and she felt that it wasn’t meant for her and that was how she discovered dev com.

She was undecided whether she would take broad com in UPD or dev com in UPLB but she knew that she likes Los Baños much better because she already had friends so, she stayed in UPLB and shifted to dev com. She enjoyed her stay in Dev com and even stated that it was a happy accident that she never switched to UPD.

During her time, LB times were still fresh and there were tons of news around UPLB and as a Dev journ major, she felt pressured because there is a sense of urgency in covering the news. The experience developed her skills in finding facts and asking questions and these are just some of the skills that she is thankful for because they enable her to overcome the challenges she is faced with right now.

She also joined the organization DEV COM SOC. She said “iba parin yung education outside class—sa org lumalabas at nag a-activity”. They are practical and practice project management and project proposals which are different from what they learn inside the class. She also added that the Dev Com community is close with one another and you will never feel out of place, even the staffs and professors are a big help.

“If you’re a dev com graduate, there are so many opportunities, p’wede advertising, journalism, and civil society.”

She wanted to pursue journalism so she interned with Rappler. However, after graduation, she had to rethink the path that she would take because she became confused about what she really liked. She applied to several corporate jobs and after some time, she found something that is close to her heart. Her first job was at the office of public relations—she worked for the government while at the same time, she was completing her thesis. After completing her thesis, she moved to a different government organization. She was already familiar with the job so she continued it in a different organization. After some time, her org mates gave her an opportunity in information and communications technology (ICTO) and this job enabled her to grow her network. She was able to start up then consider entrepreneurship, and she was even able to travel abroad. ICTO changed to DICT and her mentor gave her many opportunities because she was skilled, “pag dev com ka, ang dami mong kayang gawin”, she was able to host, write news, edit videos, take photos, and do project proposals.

After DICT, she was absorbed by NGO and this was before she took entrepreneurship. After being an NGO executive, she wanted to be her own boss and because she already had her connections, she tried to make a business. Her first venture was called tactica multimedia, a communication agency for government and NGOs unfortunately, it failed. But she never gave up and pursued her dream. While trying to recover, she got called by Rappler after failing her first business. While working with Rappler, she was also working on her second business, which is the Limitless lab. After some meantime, she left Rappler and focused on Limitless lab.

Photo credit from Limitless lab website

She encountered many challenges during her journey and there were many times that she became undecided. But with her dev com journey, she was able to enhance her skills and acquire new characteristics which enabled her to overcome these challenges and pursue whatever path she would like. All the years and practices built her a foundation that would pave the way to a successful path. She never gave up and added that she would not have been able to achieve her success without the help of her kind professors and the dev com community.


Magbago ka na

Hi Bennard, this is you from the future and the consequences of your actions are giving me a hard time. I know that writing isn’t our strength so as early as now, try to change your practices and adjust. It will be exhausting but trust me, doing nothing will only make it harder. We never expected college to be like this and thought that the assignments will be simple. You may think that you can finish the assignments in one go so you try to play and minimize the time allotted for school when instead, it should be the other way around. All the assignments will pile up and before you know it, deadlines are right in front of you. I don’t want you to repeat the same mistakes that I did so here are some tips and pieces of advice that I have for you.

Different world

In development communication, we students must be used to creating essays, and during my first weeks in Dev Com, I was overwhelmed by all the activities/exercises that were tasked to do. It gave me a hard time in submitting all the required tasks in time and every day felt like my mind was being drained out of words and ideas to generate. For me to cope up with this, I had to adjust and create ways that would help me lessen my workload. As an experienced media writer-in-training, these are the things that you have to remember when you are creating assignments/activities.

Always have enough sleep

It is important to ensure that you have enough sleep because it will affect the result of your work later on. Having enough sleep recharges the body and the mind making us feel refreshed and active. Sleeping increases creativity and memory and this engages us in undertaking our activities/assignments. Whenever I feel tired, the flow of ideas stops and I can’t seem to add any valuable information in my essay. My mind feels exhausted and I do not feel engaged working because I am more focused on making myself stay awake rather than generating ideas for the essay. Feeling sleepy makes me yawn a lot and it is irritating during work because it interferes with the flow of ideas and my rhythm in typing. So before I do the work, I prepare for the day by making sure I sleep early the day before so I have enough energy throughout the day.

Organize assignments

The piling assignments can be distressing and for me, when I know that there are tons of things to do, I procrastinate. Instead of trying to accomplish them, I tend to do none and get stressed out. By organizing my assignments, I can prioritize which assignments are easy and near the due date. And by doing so, I can focus on them one at a time because trying to complete the assignments simultaneously will affect the output and speed of doing the work. The attention will be divided among the assignments and the ideas will be shared—the thoughts will be jumbled making the flow of the thought disoriented. Being organized prevents me from procrastinating and ensures that I did not miss out on any assignments or even submit them late.

Take your time

Continuously doing the assignments can be exhausting and stressful. Our mind needs to take a rest so it can function properly. There is no need to rush things however, just make sure that you do it ahead of time so you won’t cram. Taking small steps in completing the tasks is much better than doing the assignment in one big go. Waiting for the deadline and doing the task at the last minute puts pressure on you and this will provide a negative effect on the construction of your output. For example, we will focus on a topic without realizing that there is much more to cover. Doing tasks ahead of the deadline will give us plenty of time to think about what to write and whenever we feel exhausted, we can reset and do the assignment later on.


Eating makes me focus more on the assignments. I am someone who loves to eat and I don’t like to work on an empty stomach. It distracts me from focusing on my work because my attention will be concentrated on foods. So before I start working, I bring food with me to the workstation. Eating while doing assignments helps me loosen up and feel happy rather than stressed out and drained due to all the thinking. Working on a full stomach enables me to focus because I no longer think about eating and at the same time, food provides energy and boosts performance. Just like sleeping, it helps me be efficient in generating ideas, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Resist temptations

Because of laziness, I lose motivation and tend to play instead of doing my assignments. I have given in to temptations a lot of times and it was already too late before I realized that my assignments were starting piling up. At the same time, playing while thinking about the assignments is frustrating because instead of focusing on the game, I am worried about the deadline and how I will be able to pass it on time. The experience is not worth the fun and it gave me many regrets. I learned that it is more fun if I finish the assignment first before I play. This way, I can focus on one thing and prevent from cramming my assignments/activities. If I play before I do my assignments, I try to finish my assignment as much as possible without thinking about what I write but if it is the other way around, I have all the time to answer my assignments and there is no need to rush it. Temptations will do nothing good and learning to resist them can help you have better time management.

Kahit ika’y bata pa lang

These past few years, I have been unconsciously living an unhealthy lifestyle. Because of the pandemic that we are currently experiencing, we have been prohibited to go outside and interact with other people. It changed me into a lazy person and my regular exercise of playing basketball, jogging, walking the dog, and working out has been put to a halt. I lost motivation to move my body and I just sit in front of my computer all day playing video games. From 55 kgs to 68 kgs in just a year. I also eat a lot especially when I study or work on my assignments; I tend to stress eat sweets and junk foods whenever I think about working on my assignments. Due to procrastination, I sleep late because I cram my assignments and I have never had a sufficient rest.

In our family, we have a history of diabetes so I try to control eating sweets however, I can’t resist temptations and I tend to give in. I am always reminded by my mother and father because even at a young age, I can acquire this chronic disease. The pandemic is our wake-up call to prioritize our health. We have been reminded of how important staying healthy is and what impact it brings to counter the COVID virus. Most deaths caused by COVID are due to individuals who have a pre-existing disease as well as those whose immune system is weak and can’t fight against the virus.

So when we were assigned to choose a development beat for our week 7, I immediately thought about health. People nowadays, just like me, are forgetting the importance of health. The pandemic made us focus more on other things and we disregard the fact that the practices during childhood greatly affect our health growing up. As early as now, we may acquire diseases and cancers and because of the COVID virus, it will enhance the effect of these diseases and it will exhaust our body up to the point where it can no longer resist and eventually, give up. Unhealthy practices like improper diet, lack of exercise, insufficient sleep, and vices will promote the development of cancers and diseases so it is important to change these practices now because once it is too late, all we can do is regret.

There are relatives and friends of my parents that I know are currently undergoing dialysis. Life for them is really hard and exhausting; the machine is the only thing keeping them alive. You are alive but it feels like you are dead. After all, you stay in bed all day because you are prohibited to do excessive tasks. The maintenance also costs a lot of money and for the individual, it is impossible to not feel guilty towards those paying the expenses.

I want to raise awareness and prevent these things from happening to others. Once we experience being bedridden, we can no longer turn back and we are helpless. We only live once and we must not waste this opportunity and enjoy and live life to the fullest.

My friends in writing

Last two months ago, I am having a hard time creating essays; I have been introduced to a new world, a world where I am uncomfortable and in which, writing is the main skill. Writing is not my forte and being someone who is practical, makes it difficult to express my thoughts. Whenever I write, my thoughts are jumbled and I tend to be unorganized regarding the structure of my sentences. To let my thoughts flow freely, I try to write continuously even though the grammar is incorrect but then suddenly, I will realize that my thoughts are just repetitive. Also, having a small vocabulary limits the words that I can use, I can’t seem to choose the appropriate word to describe what I am trying to explain. All these things give me a hard time in choosing my words, expressing my thoughts, and creating a beautiful. In week 4, we have been assigned to ask upperclass DevCom students about the things that helped them during their writing classes.

I have remembered during the 1st week of classes, ate Angelle Dela Torre, was inviting me to join their org which is UPLB Development Communicators’ Society Inc. I was still adjusting during those moments so I was unsure if could handle the task of joining an org and if I can manage my time well so I turned down the invitation. Since we already have an initial conversation, I thought that it would be great to ask her about the things that helped her during her writing classes. Unfortunately, she has already shifted to another course but still, she gave me some tips. She also asked her friends what are the things that helped them, and the following are what they gave me: Grammarly, Thesaurus, Desktop, and pen and paper.


It is a Chrome Web Extension that fixes your grammar as well as spelling. It is a great way to double-check your essay to look for mistakes since the application highlights which of the words seem to be wrong. However, we must not let the bot do all the work because an AI is sometimes inaccurate and it manipulates words that are already correct making it grammatically incorrect. I use the desktop application Notepad in making my draft and whenever I paste my draft here, there are many incorrect grammars and misspelled words. Grammarly has been a great help because I am mostly confused in grammar but when it highlights what seems to be incorrect, I can double-check it and ensure it is right. I am also careless in spelling words so Grammarly indicates these words for me to change.


It is an online dictionary that has a lot of functions compared to an ordinary dictionary. Included in this are lessons in which you can take so you can understand the concepts that are confusing for you. The synonyms and antonyms of a word can also be searched. It is an assistant which helped me a lot especially because I have a small vocabulary. I tend to choose words that are lengthy when there are alternatives that can describe that same thought with just a word. Whenever I write, my ideas tend to stop flowing because I can’t find the right word to use, or sometimes, it’s at the tip of my tongue. I can search for the synonyms or antonyms of the words so I can search for the appropriate word to describe the thought.


It is my working area which includes my computer. I play most of the day so I consider myself as proficient in using the computer. I want to say that I am productive because I am quick in typing as well as navigating through the web but my laziness prohibits me from doing so. I can type without looking at the keyboard thus, in freewriting, I try to keep my thoughts flowing so I can express my thoughts even though it is unorganized then after, I will just fix its arrangement. Using a computer is also much convenient compared to a phone. The keyboards in mobile devices are compact and I tend to misclick most of the time and navigating through the web also takes much more effort.

Pen and paper

Sometimes, it is better to use a pen and paper because it can be much more immersive. It engages your hand to write and it enables the brain to think of what to write rather than typing that you just put in the letters of what comes into your head. When I can’t think of other thoughts to include, I try to write my draft in pen and paper. This technique enables the ideas to flow once again and reorganize the structure of the sentences.

Balita lang din naman ‘yan

Noong una kong narinig ang “development-oriented news story” nagtaka ako kasi ang alam ko lang ay balita, so bakit may development-oriented news story kung same lang naman sila ng goal which is to inform. Hindi ko magets kung ano ang pinagkaiba ng development-oriented news story sa ordinaryong balita o pareho lang ba sila at branch lang ng balita ang development-oriented news story. Naghanap ako ng mga kasagutan at napagtanto ko na ang development-oriented news story ay balita na nakasentro sa development. Ang development ay pagbabago na patungo sa kabutihan ng isang lugar ngunit, dapat ito rin ay nakaayon para sa mga tao lalong lalo na sa mga mahihirap. Kadalasan, walang boses ang mga mahihirap at hindi nila kayang ipaglaban ang kanilang mga sarili kung kaya’t, ang development-oriented news story ang kaagapay nila upang ipaalam ang sitwasyon nila. Kumpara sa development-oriented news story, ang ordinaryong balita ay basta lang mag kwento ng isang kaganapang hindi nakaugnay sa pag-unlad at kabuhayan ng mga mahihirap.

Nung nalaman ko ang mga ito, muli nanaman akong nahirapan dahil hindi ko alam kung anong development-oriented news story ang makikita sa komunidad ko. Nag tanong-tanong ako sa mga kaibigan ko, nanaliksik, at kung ano ano pa ngunit, wala akong ideya kung ano ang maaari kong talakayin na paksa. “Para sa tao”, naisip ko na dahil sa komunidad naman namin at mula noon, dito na ako nakatira, balikan ko kaya ang mga karanasan ko at baka may development-oriented news story ako na naranasan na p’wedeng talakayin. May tatlo akong nabuo pero ang pinaka nagustuhan ko ay ang tungkol sa Rabies disease. Mayroon kaming mga aso at ilang beses na rin ako nabakunahan dahil, minsan, nakakagat o kaya nakakalmot ako ng mga aso namin. Tuwing nasa health center ako, napapansin ko na madalas, ito ay puno kahit umaga pa lamang. Nagtaka ako bakit tuwing pupunta na lamang ako, eh laging madaming tao kaya inalala ko yung mga panahong nag c-commute ako papasok sa school at napapansin ko na maraming aso ang nakakalat sa kapaligiran. Inobserbahan ko ang mga maaaring dahilan kung bakit laganap ang nagpapabakuna. Either madaming aso ang nakakalat o kaya hindi alam ng mga tao ang panganib na dala ng Rabies disease kaya hindi sila nagiging alerto kapag may mga hayop.

Upang magawan ito ng news story, kailangang mag interview at mag crowdsource. Kabadong-kabado talaga ako sa pakikipanayam kasi hindi ko pa naranasan mag interview online lalong lalo na’t opisyal pa ng pamahalaan. Maaga akong nag nagpadala ng sulat upang maproseso na nila ngunit, makalipas ang isang buwan, wala pa rin silang tugon. Naghanap na lamang ako ng ibang i-interviewhin at buti na lang, mayroon kaming kakilala na veterinarian. Nag chat kami sa messenger at pumayag naman siya. Nung ginaganap na ang panayam, nawala na ang aking kaba at mabisa ko ng nasabi ang mga katanungan. Mabilis niya nasagot ang mga katanungan at sa huli, nagpasalamat na ako. Ang iba niyang mga sinabi ay hindi nababasa sa mga libro kaya napagtanto ko na importante talaga na kumuha ng impormasyon mula sa taong nakakaranas nung pagsasanay.

Para naman sa crowdsourcing, nahihiya ako mag post sa aking social media kasi hindi naman ako nag p-post. Pero upang magkaroon ng dagdag kaalaman, sumali ako sa groups at pages upang ibahagi doon ang aking post. Pagkatapos ng ilang oras, may mga sumagot na at hindi ko inakalang makikipag-ugnayan sila. Iba’t ibang uri ng karanasan ang mga natanggap ko at upang mahingi ang pahintulot nila na gagamitin ko ang mga impormasyong binigay nila, nagsama ako ng google link upang kanilang ilagay na pumapayag sila na gagamitin ko ang mga ito. Nagsagot din ang mga kaibigan ko at kahit nasa iisang komunidad lang kami, magkaiba parin kami ng kaalaman.

Para sa secondary source of information, ginamit ko ang OpenAthens at sobrang nakatulong ito sa akin. Naghanap ako sa Google at Google Scholar ng mga artikulo patungkol sa paksa ko ngunit lahat ay lipas na sa panahon o kaya pare-pareho lang ng impormasyon. Kapag sa OpenAthens, p’wede ka mamili ng panahon kaya ang iba ay kamakailan lang ginawa at paiba-iba sila ng inaatake na paksa kaya bawat komunidad ay iba ang resulta. Mapagkakatiwalaan din ang mga sumulat sa paksa dahil ang mga impormasyon nila ay nakikita mo rin. Nagbasa rin ako tungkol sa mga nagawa nila kaya nakakuha ako ng ibang impormasyon na maaaring ilagay sa balita ko. Hindi ka magsasawa mag basa at makakakuha ka talaga ng maraming impormasyon mula sa OpenAthens.

Sa konklusyon, para gumawa ng development-oriented news story, nakakakaba at overwhelming talaga siya sa una kasi ang daming gagawin at mahaba mga proseso. Hindi siya pwede i-cram dahil hindi basta-basta nakukuha ang mga impormasyon na ilalagay at kailangan na mainaman na pananaliksik upang alam kung ano ang tatalakayin na problema. Pero pagkatapos ng takdang-aralin, naintindihan ko ang proseso at handa na ako gumawa ng panibagong paksa. Masaya gumawa ng development-oriented news story kasi nakikipag-ugnayan ka sa ibang tao at madaming bagong impormasyon ang makukuha mula sa pag interview, crowdsource, at pananaliksik. Kapag mas madami ang nabasa mo, mas maiintidihan mo ang paksan mo at alam mo kung panano ito tatalakayin at siguradong hindi magiging paikot-ikot ang gagawin mong development-oriented news story.

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