
Signs. Signs. Signs. I don’t really believe in signs but on one particular day, July 11 to be exact, when I was being impatient and complaining endlessly because of the long line of people waiting outside a famous convenience store, my sister pointed her finger towards something…

Want to know what it was? Well, you can see it in the blurred image below.

University of the Philippines “University Seal” (Photo Captured on July 11, 2021)

It’s the seal of almost everybody’s dream school. University of the Philippines. My sister’s alma mater and now where I am currently studying, but entering this premier university isn’t just like any other. You have to go through so much before actually getting there. When the pandemic started, our lives changed overnight, and that includes the conduct of the UPCAT. It wasn’t the same as before because we have to embrace the new normal, and that’s where UPCA entered the scene. Before, if hopefuls endure long lines just to take the exam, now long lines still happen, but it’s through the internet. You have to wait as patiently as you are. It’s less-hassle but it gives you the same feels and chills as UPCAT. UPCA without the T actually tests your patience and faith.

UP is not really my dream school. To be honest, I’ve never dreamed of studying somewhere far away from home. Aside from having the worst homesickness, I didn’t really have big dreams as a child but going back, due to the pandemic, my dreams and perspectives really changed. Now, more than ever, I can say loud and proud that UP is my dream school.

I can’t really remember the day I applied but it was around January, when college applications were the talk of the town. Among our section and the whole batch, only a few applied for UP. I tried my shot because I am a consistent honor student and my records were great, and it was really my sister who pushed me to apply for UPCA. I applied because I believe there’s no harm in trying. When I applied, it was less-hassle because my teachers helped me in completing my requirements and my previous school also willingly cooperated.

After weeks of working on my application, it was already complete and I only have to wait for the release of results. Maybe the hassle was really in waiting for login codes but it wasn’t really too much based on my experience. I also tried other schools, but all in all, I only made it to two premier schools in the country. Both were state universities but I won’t disclose the other one anymore. When I applied for UPCA, I had to choose between all UP constituents and degree programs per campus. I can still remember that my first choice was really Diliman and Los Baños was only my second campus choice. While for the degree programs, my first choice for Diliman was BSED. Education was really my dream course. I also chose other degree programs I am interested in which include psychology and journalism. It was great how this is the process for UPCA. You are given the freedom to choose and list your degree programs unlike other universities and provide options at the same time. On the other hand, for UPLB, my first choice was BSDC, along with sociology and veterinary medicine. I really took the time to think about my selections and I was hopeful that I would get into the university with my dream course.

Fast-forward to July 15, 2021. I woke up very early because I am included in the list of those who will get their results early in the morning. The day before that day, I prayed and slept early because I was feeling nervous already but I just said to myself that, whatever happens, this is not yet the end. When one door closes, another door opens, so surrender all your worries to God.

I set my alarm and woke up with mixed emotions. I really can’t fathom what I was feeling at that exact moment but I know for myself that I should lower my expectations. We don’t have wifi at home so what I did was I just shared the hotspot connection with my sister. I login to the site and waited for a bit. I closed my eyes and I was breathing heavily. Praying that I will pass. The very first thing that I read on the screen was: “CONGRATULATIONS!” Honestly, I didn’t mind about the details next to that one word. We were altogether jumping for joy and shouting early in the morning. I was so happy that I passed even if it wasn’t really my dream course or first choice. Who wouldn’t be? Among the 100, 000 applicants, I was one of the passers.

UPCA 2021 Results

Everything felt right at that moment. The seal that my sister and I saw was already a sign of me passing the UPCA. For what I believe, just do your best and God will do the rest. I did my best in everything and I trusted the process. I have faith in myself and I know I can always do it. My tips for you would be, just trust the process and do not worry too much about the future, focus on the present. During that time, I was also doing my best in my studies because I am about to graduate. Take your time, be prepared for the requirements, and don’t forget to ask for help and some advice. Don’t bet your whole life on signs because you are the one who creates your future. It is in your hands. Just give your heart to it but try to lower your expectations because not everything will work in your favor. Remember that UP is not the only school out there, so expand your horizons and maybe you are meant for something greater and bigger than your plans. I always remind others who are also dreaming to study in UP to just focus on their studies because doing good in school and in life can take them anywhere. UPCA may be a bit stressful but you have to go through it because you want it. Don’t give up, face your fears, and fight for your dreams.

Good luck to those who will try their shot. I believe in you future iskolar ng bayan! Huli, palaging tatandaan: Lagi’t lagi para sa bayan!


(Credits to the rightful owner of the photo.)

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