A little goes a long way…

As development communicators-in-training, it’s not enough that we only focus on the qualities and skills to be an effective media writer, we also need to have tools or equipment to be geared up in our writing classes. Before the semester actually started, I was able to join various webinars regarding development communication. Aside from talking about the field of study, some speakers and facilitators whom most of them were upperclassmen, also shared their insights and tips on what to have for the coming academic year. Preparedness really is essential and being ready is an advantage to go well through the challenges and what is to come in your journey.

Below are the top five must-have items/tools for development communication students that are deemed most helpful in their writing classes:

  1. Laptop – The one you need the most. You have to really invest on this one because you won’t be able to accomplish your tasks without a good laptop. There’s no really definite specs on which laptop to buy, but according to some, a working laptop will do and of course, it has to be fast and reliable. You can multitask and you can do all your tasks at once. Additionally, it must have a great storage space for your files because you will be doing a lot.
  2. Earphones – This is such a staple. It can already work as your microphone and can get you through all your classes this semester. Audio recording will be easier and the bonus part is that you can listen to music and attend your classes, anytime and anywhere. Wherever you go, it is really a must-have because desperate times call for desperate measures.
  3. Smartphone – The one that takes you places. Having a smartphone can get you through everything already. It is an all-in-one device where you can attend your classes, do your writing activities, edit, record, or whatever it is. It is so portable and really is a must-have. Your smartphone can do everything and I can attest to that because I do almost everything in it. It must be in my pocket or bag always and as a devcom student, I definitely need it.
  4. Camera and Microphone – These are not really a need but it will help you in producing quality outputs. According to some upperclassmen, they highly consider these equipment as investments. It doesn’t have to be costly, for as long as it’s working and can help you produce better quality works, that’s a go. If you ever have the budget, go for it but in the meantime, you can use your smartphone because it can do the work of a camera and microphone.
  5. Notebook and Pen – My treasures. I can’t really go outside of the house or get through my classes without these two. I need them so much and these are my essentials. The upperclassmen recommended that we make use of notion as a note-taking app, but I am more of a traditional learner/student. I learn best and make quality works or outputs with the help of my notebook and pen. I would still prefer using them because I limit my screen-time. You have to always be ready to take notes wherever you go and in drafting your works.

Indeed, a little goes a long way. Development Communication doesn’t require too much. You don’t have to spend so much just to get through your writing classes. Apart from these tangible things or materials, nothing can still beat readiness in other aspects, such as a stable mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We don’t know what’s in store for us through the coming days, but what’s certain is that, we have to utilize and maximize our resources well for us to have fruitful results in our activities. It doesn’t really matter if you don’t have all of these or you don’t have the latest, according to the upperclassmen, it’s fine for as long as you are greatly persevered in achieving your goals and in all of the things you do. I believe in you. You can always do it!

Paalala: Dangal at Husay! Serve the people!

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