
It always seems impossible until it’s done

Nelson Mandela

As I am writing this, I am lost in words because I felt like I got lost in touch with the time that I didn’t even notice that it’s already the end of the first semester and I somehow managed to survive it. 

Looking back to the state of myself when I entered this course, I am a lost duck, with no friends, and no confidence in myself. I had this negative voice in my head that keeps talking about how I will not be able to finish my first semester. I am not ready and I am not fit for the standards of UP.

But then I remember I am at UP in the first place because I am a warrior myself. I pursue Development Communication even though I am not totally familiar with it because when I read the course description I felt the ‘lukso ng dugo’

I had the very first moment of me feeling absolute euphoria. The exact words that I used to describe how I feel towards DevCom are that ‘I am in my dream course.’

Having the chance to learn and be involved in the community and principles of DevCom changed an entire perspective of mine. I learned how working for the people should also be with the people. It was already engraved in my mind to have a future career that can make something even a little for the betterment of my community.

With the help of the lessons and exercises here in DEVC 11, I awaken a side of me who will and can use the medium of communication of writing to create a difference, From the different qualities and skills that I shall have to be an adequate development communicator in the future to the styles of writing in different channels of news.

I know I am still working in progress and I still have more obstacles to hurdle but I would want to make this a win for myself. Because I went into a massive system upgrade from my past self.

I am able to write more succinctly and effectively. Before my ideas were stuck in a turtle pace of thoughts which I had a hard time developing my context but I can do better now. All of the tasks here in DEVC 11, lecture and laboratory classes, are different from each other but they like puzzle pieces that fit together to create a shape of an image 一 me. 

In my weekly writing week 3 entry, I rate my qualities and skills. Now I re-rate myself and I could say that I improve even for a little. 

This first semester went into an up and downhill ride, I had a hard time adjusting to college life and culture. I had difficulty keeping up with my course requirements. A fair share of laughs with my co-DevCom students. Buckets of tears were poured out of my eyes. Countless sleepless nights. Multiple cramming nights.

However, at the end of this chapter, I could say that I grew, improved, and I am not wrong about choosing Development Communication.

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