SAIStema: A fiasco

We’ve been warned.

404 Not Found, 504 Gateway Time-out, An error has occurred. Please try again.

UPLB’s Information Technology Center gave us our UP Mail to log in to the Student Academic Information System (SAIS), three days before the first day of class begins. The day before the official opening of classes, we should access the SAIS for us to know our schedule, courses, bloc, and professors in every course.

But, our first-time experience is not the one I expected. Accessing the site is chaotic.

I checked if there’s a typo in the link. There’s none. I checked the CDC group chat, and I’m not the only one who’s experiencing it.


We keep refreshing the website. Yet, it’s midnight, and it’s still down. Being a night-owl is a must to access SAIS. After long hours of waiting, I finally get to have a sight of the infamous SAIS. I didn’t expect anything as we’ve heard from the seniors that the site isn’t that attractive. And boom! Indeed, the site is not that much user-friendly. It’s like your accessing a site from a first Macintosh computer.

SAIS will test your patience. Some of our batchmates had serious issues accessing the site. Some still don’t have their UP Mails on our first week.

The first semester is coming to an end. Meaning that the most wonderful time of the year begins again. For the next semester, we will be doing our first shopping spree at the SAIS boutique. Again, I will not expect anything that my next SAIS experience is going to be smooth. But who knows? If people change, SAIS can too. I hope that I’d get my desired courses and units in a hassle-free way.

Repeat after me, SAIS, kaawaan mo kami.

*fingers crossed*

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