A tool for a tool

Writing will become an instant passion if you are a DevCom student. You will never get away with writing as every course of DevCom involves writing. Countless essays, data gathering, interviews, and many more DevCom activities will come our way until we finished our year. Therefore, we, DevCom students should be armed with the tools and equipment that can help us face the challenges, especially in our writing classes. 

For this week, the Buhay DevCom LifeHack Series starts. We are tasked to interview upper-class devcom students to answer the question, “What tools/gadgets/equipment helped you the most in your writing classes?”. So, I asked help from one of my ates at DevCom, Ate Hanna Grace Acoyong, for us to know what are the tools and equipment that helped her survive her writing classes at DevCom, which can help us too.

So, slide through this presentation to know our must-haves as a DevCom student. 

In addition, a peaceful mind and environment, and puso at dedikasyon para sa masa are also a must-have to get through the challenges that will come our way on our DevCom journey. 

From the masses, for the masses. ✊

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