The last of UPCAT (for now)

Our freshmen media writers share their UPCA stories and tips to help aspiring UP students prepare for UPCA. 

Entering UP was a different experience for me than most of my batchmates. I have no idea what ensued during UPCA, I only had the UPCAT and transferring experience. I believe that many of the Batch 2021 will have their own definitive experience of the UPCA, and I’m here to offer you the UPCAT experience.

UPCAT doesn’t start on the day that you take it. It starts way before that, years even. I didn’t do much for the earlier years since I was carefree and wasn’t under any pressure to excel academically. I only began taking things seriously the summer before my 12th grade. I entered a summer program to help me with exam taking and having a refresher on lessons we’ve taken in high school. 

For the most part, it was challenging. We had to exercise our minds by having to answer mock tests and take in loads of information afterwards. I belonged to a class that had students from Pisay (Philippine Science High School), Rural (UPRHS) and Saytek (Sta. Rosa Science and Technology High School). I may not be the only one who felt a strong pressure to not be dumb during classes especially with the kind of people you’re classmates with. 

Soon enough, the classes were over and we had to take a mock exam. Since the summer school primarily focuses on getting the students into UP, most (if not all) advice is directed to get your mind and body in the UPCAT state. We took our exams and met again for the last time to get our predicted UPG, the be all and end all of this situation. Luckily, I was able to get a predicted UPG more than what I was aiming for. 

The experience didn’t stop there. We had to study and test ourselves consistently to be able to have the sufficient knowledge and pace to ace UPCAT. I wasn’t the best at studying, but I still tried my best. I didn’t get too pressured of getting into UP since I was also planning to take college admission tests from other universities. 

Two days before the UPCAT, I tried to cover as much material as I could. I knew it was going to be the last day I’m going to study since I was advised to take a rest the day before the actual test. I did just that, I rested the day before. 

Finally, the day has arrived. I rested well the night before and had decent levels of energy. I was assigned to take the UPCAT exam on Day 1, afternoon session. Before getting into the testing area, which was the CAS Annex II, I had lunch with both of my parents. I had the right amount of vegetables and liquids at IRRI, ensuring I’m properly nourished and hydrated.

After that, we went back to the campus and waited until the morning exam takers were done. I kissed my mom and dad, and went on with the exam. I don’t remember much of it aside from the fact that I just took it easily and without any expectations for myself. I feel fondly about reading a text that mentioned something from my childhood. Just like that, the exam was done. 

Months after that, the test results from other universities were rolling out. I began feeling pressured to pass the UPCAT. A lot of crying happened. The day finally came and we’re ankle deep in the pandemic. Gladly, I had a UPG that could qualify for reconsideration, and did just that.

In the end, I didn’t get in. It was melancholic, but I knew in myself that I still have another opportunity to be in UP. I entered college and took BA Communication. I worked hard to get good grades, and explored opportunities outside my comfort zone. Three terms later, I applied for transfer to the University.

I still maintained a balance between optimism and what could happen otherwise. The rest was history.

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