What do I think about it?

Over the past few weeks it has been a tough ride yet somehow fulfilling in a way, I entered Development Communication with little to no idea on what it is all about except the words “development” and “communication.” One task that we need to do is to create a devcom story which will test if we do apply the learnings as well as a training to become a media writer in the future. 

So far the lessons were much about the construction of the story from having a devcom topic to gathering of data up until the interview. We are introduced to the three different methods of data gathering: observation, retrieval, and interview. All of these are useful and have their own strengths, let us first talk about observation. There may not be that much to observe now that we are bound in an online set-up, my topic which focuses on working students did not really rely on observing since I did not have the chance to go to a place where they work or observe them on their lifestyle. Observation may provide an initial input for information but I did not observe that much when conducting my study. Next would be the retrieval, this is the usual way of gathering data. During my junior years in high school, I learned to search for back up information when doing research in general, I have learned how to access different websites and look for appropriate information that I needed, I have also acquired the skill of retrieving information online and I must say it is practical to do in my current devcom story. Lastly, the interview which I think is the most appropriate to identify on how I do my devcom story.

I have interviewed working students online and learned their life as a part-timer. Interviewing allows me to better and deeper understand a certain topic that I cannot find even if I work hard to search it on the internet. The life of every person is diverse and it is fascinating to learn their story by interviewing.

Throughout the time that I have spent in data gathering, I have learned that there are ways to get things done even if I work alone, it is still possible to act alone. I have always been scared of making things on my own even if I prefer it because I tend to question myself every time if I am doing it right, being here as a devcom student, teaches me to believe in myself and in my capabilities and now I can see that i am improving because despite the struggles of doing this task, I can still do it and I am still learning. 

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